University of Virginia Library


Second of things the Word forth-voiced
From the o'er-laden bosom
Of Thought, that with itself rejoiced
And shook redundant blossom;
Swift-winged it flew, and journeying far
Like wave on wave it bounded,
And filled all space with vocal war
Of joy with joy confounded.
Prophetic Word what wealth shall be
Of star-eyed expectation,


While Hope and Faith attend on thee,
Thou first bright incarnation
Of primal Thought divine! thou seed
With eager promise swelling,
And with strong pulse and measured speed
More stable growth compelling!
Voice ye the hymn, with pæans brim,
Your praise full-throated pour to him
From whom all Voices run!
Ye swelling hearts with high hopes stirred,
Hymn ye the prime prophetic Word,
The published God, the Son.