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There once lived a Man, a Cat, and a Dog,
And the Man built a house with stone and log.
“If you'll help to take care of this house with me,
One indoors, one out, your places must be.”
Said both together, “Indoors I'll stay!”
And they argued the matter for half-a-day.
“Come, let us sing for it!” purrs the Cat;
“No!” barks the Dog, “I won't do that.”
“Come, let us fight for it!” growls Bow-wow;
“Nay!” says Pussy, “mee-ow, mee-ow!”
“Well, let us race for it!”—said and done.
The course is mark'd out, and away they run.
Puss bounded off; the Dog ran fast;
Quickly was Puss overtaken and pass'd;
But a Beggar who under the hedge did lie
Struck the poor Dog as he gallop'd by
A blow with his staff, and lessen'd his pace
To a limp: so Pussy won the race.
The Beggar went on his way to beg;
Dog was cured of his limping leg;
And Cat keeps the inside of the house,
Watching it well from rat and mouse,
Dog keeps the outside, ever since then,
And always barks at beggar-men.