University of Virginia Library



How nobler far the gallant Briton's part,
Whom every generous ardour fires,
Commingling head, and hand, and heart,
To shield the heritage of valorous sires
From miscreant-warriors, who with native gore
Would deeply dye our sea-wash'd shore;
And o'er the victims of their ruthless rage,
Unmov'd by sex or age,
Rush on to pillage, like a bandit-horde,
Th' ensanguin'd agents of a blood-stain'd lord!
Yet, while avenging justice stems the blow,
Let Courage mercy show,

This passage particularly points at a rumour which once prevailed, that no quarter should be given to our infuriate foes.

Where mild Humanity the sceptre guides
And sky-born Charity abides,
With all the Christian Graces in her train;
So may ye blameless reign
O'er ocean's depths, and unstain'd banners bring,
Such as Love now presents with reverence to your King!