University of Virginia Library




Air,—“This is no mine ain hoose.”

O meet me, love, by moonlight,
By moonlight, by moonlight,
And down the glen by moonlight,
How fondly will I welcome thee!


And there, within our beechen bower,
Far from ambition's giddy tower,
O what a heart-enthrilling hour,
My Mary dear, I'll spend with thee!
Then meet me, love, etc.
Reclining on our mossy seat,
The rivulet rippling at our feet,
Enrapt in mutual transport sweet,
O who on earth so blest as we?
Then meet me, love, etc,
Our hopes and loves each sigh will speak,
With lip to lip, or cheek to cheek,
O who more heartfelt joys would seek,
Than such, at eve, alone with thee?
Then meet me, love, etc.
To clasp thy lovely yielding waist;
To press thy lips so pure and chaste;
An' be in turn by thee embraced,
O that were bliss supreme to me!
Then meet me, love, etc.
Not worldling's wealth, nor lordling's show,
Such solid joys can e'er bestow,
As those which faithful lovers know
When heart to heart beats fervently.
Then meet me, love, etc.