University of Virginia Library



[Gentlest Deluder! Hope! false as fair]

Gentlest Deluder! Hope! false as fair,
Leave me, ah! leave me to sorrow and care,—
Gentlest Destroyer, spread, spread thy light wings,
I dread thy soft touch more than Grief's sharpest stings.
Oh! I have known thee—have known thee too well,
More than these tears, or this wan cheek can tell;
Bright is thy smile—but 'tis fatal as fair,
False, false and fatal—spare me—oh! spare!
Fly from me!—fly from me! swiftly and soon,
Fly—for I ask not thy dear, dangerous boon;
Well would I deem it couldst thou and I part,
Though frozen should thus be this fond fervent heart.
Gentlest Deluder!—Hope! false as fair,
Leave me, haste! leave me, to gloom, or despair!
Gentlest Destroyer! I bid thee—away
Many will hail thee—One—one dreads thy sway!