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The Knight and The Enchantress

With Other Poems. By Lady Emmeline Stuart-Wortley

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Be blessings on this day, my precious Child,
Blessings be on it!—Two short years ago,
(How swiftly years and all things pass below!)
'T was on this day that Fate the kindliest smiled
Upon thy Mother;—since on her warm and wild
And ardent wishes then did she bestow
Thee, treasured one!—The glad and gladdening glow
Of July's sun—oh thou!—mine Undefiled—
Mine Innocent!—is laughing round thee now;
And happiest omens let me fondly trace
In every ray that, brightening o'er thy brow,
Surely from thence wins a more glowing grace,
Its kindling smile to enhance!—may Heaven allow
That sunshine long may beam, reflected from that face.