University of Virginia Library



Pretty Rosebud, are thy emerald
Curtains still undrawn?
Odalisque of Flowers,—
Tender soul o' the fervid South!
I am dainty of thy beauty,
All this dewy dawn;
I am fainting for the ruddy
Kisses of thy mouth.”
Sweetly sang the Sunbeam,
With a voice made low to win;
Round the Rose-heart playing,
Till it touched the tenderest strings;
“Pretty Rose-bud, ope thy lattice,
Let thy true love in.”
And for Heaven down-wavering warm,
She waved her leafy wings!
Listen, Maidens, to my Legend of the Sunbeam and the Rose.
Out she sprang, kiss-coloured,
In her eyes the dews of bliss;
All her beauty glowing
With a blush of bridal light;
Gave her balm and bloom for banquet
To the Tempter's kiss;
Proudly oped each chamber
For a princelier delight.
Soon the Snake of Sweetness,
Sated, could no longer stay;


And away he went, a-wooing
Every flower that blows!
'Twas the reign of Roses
When her Lover passed to-day:
Lonely in her rifled ruin
Drooped the dying Rose!
Listen, Maidens, to my Legend of the Sunbeam and the Rose.