University of Virginia Library



Farewell to thee, Son of Erin;
Light may the breezes be
Whilst thy brave bark is steering
Over the dark-blue sea.
Though we but met and parted,
Linked is my soul to thine;
And let those who are colder-hearted
Laugh at the warmth of mine.
Farewell to thee, Son of Erin;
But in thine own green Isle,
When love is thy bosom cheering
With the light of thy lady's smile,
Forget not the friends who hung round thee,
And joyed in thy smile when here,
And who (if e'er sorrow should wound thee)
Would “weep with thee tear for tear.”
Farewell to thee, Son of Erin;
Like a wandering star of night,
Thou hast left in thy disappearing
Behind thee a train of light.


'Tis the hope of thy soon returning,
'Tis the memory of moments past,
'Tis the flame of a friendship burning
While the pulses of life shall last.