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Gerard & Isabel

A Romance in Form of Cantefable. By Francis William Bourdillon

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[Lovely was the valley]

Lovely was the valley,
Fair the day, the sunlight,
Fair the flowers, the forest,
Very fair the lady.
Gerard urged her lightly:
‘Rise! The day is passing.
On my horse I'll set you,
Lead him through the forest
Till we reach the highway,
Find some habitation,
And a hand to tend you
Better than a hunter's.’
‘Stay a while!’ she answered.
‘Hardly am I rested.
Far away is evening.
Every hour that passes
Here in peace and stillness,
With your voice so gentle,
And your aid so courteous,
Strengthens me to bearing
All the long way homeward.’
So she soothed and snared him,
With her words cajoling,
And her looks so simple,


And her glance so kindling.
Thus they lingered, couching
On the moss and grasses,
'Neath the oak-tree branches;
While the brook below them
Made a dream-like music.
Nor the space between them
Lessened in their converse,
Though their hearts drew nearer.
Just so far the fair one
Lay that all her beauty,
Grace of form and feature,
Fell within one eye-glance;
Just so far that never
Need was to speak loudly;
And her voice so flute-like
Sounded low and sweetly,
While the streamlet's murmur
Made an under-music;
As when harp or viol
Follows in soft echo
What the singer singeth.