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Prince Lucifer

By Alfred Austin

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[The Interior of the Church. Eve in the Confessional.]

I confess to Almighty God, to the blessed Mary ever Virgin, to blessed Michael the Archangel, to blessed John the Baptist, to the holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and to all the Saints, that I have sinned in thought, word, and deed; through my fault, through my fault, through my exceeding fault.


Father! since I last confessed,
There is tumult in my breast:
Tumult that unbidden streams
Onward through my days and dreams;
Something haunting every place,
Something that I cannot chase;
Something, something I still feel
Even when in prayer I kneel;
Voice that seemeth always near,
Voice I listen for and fear;
Shadow of a presence fled,
Presence I desire and dread.
When the pallid morn doth break,
He is waiting as I wake,
Come from dreamland dim but deep,
Dawning with myself from sleep;
Never seen, but part of sight,
Mirage both of day and night.

Doth he love you, daughter dear?


Never, never, to my ear,
Father, hath he whispered love,
More than stars that shine above,
Seen at night through branch and stem,
Do to those that gaze at them.
But, at noon, when lie my flocks
Quiet 'mong the quiet rocks,
Should a lamb or start or bleat,
Straight I think I hear his feet,
Coming downward, soft and strong,
Strong as torrent, soft as song.
Do I take my Rosary out,
And with lips and ears devout
Low recite with closëd eyes
The Seven Dolorous Mysteries,
Fancies mundane, fancies fair,
Come betwixt me and my prayer.
Nor doth sunset take away
Restlessness of dawn and day.
I still see him when 'tis low,
Feel him in the afterglow.
Twilight, shortening all we see,
Seems to bring him nearer me.


When I draw around my head
The white curtains of my bed,
Wandering in an Eden dim,
All my dreams are drenched with him.

For these and for all the other sins I cannot bring to my remembrance, I am heartily contrite, and I humbly beg pardon of God, and penance and absolution from you, my Ghostly Father.

Child, if steadfast keep the will,
Holy lives are holy still.
Vainly unclean demons lure,
If the heart remaineth pure;
Purer even after trial,
If temptation meet denial.
Be not troubled, daughter dear.
Oft you see a streamlet clear
Chafed to foam by rocks that thwart:
So, child, will your limpid heart,
Torn by love, be, after all,
White as is a waterfall.


You have got a lover true,
Who unseen consorts with you.
'Tis your Guardian Angel. Talk
With him when you sit or walk.
He is ever at your side;
Hark to him, in him confide.
Keep him near you night and day;
He will never lead astray,
Never harm you, never leave,
Stay with you both morn and eve,
Comfort, counsel, and caress,
Tranquillise your restlessness.
When the birds begin to cheep,
When you wake, and when you sleep,
Holy-water on your brow
Sprinkle, as I sprinkle now.
Sprinkle it around your bed,
Sprinkle it where'er you tread;
On the lintel, on the floor:—
Go in peace, and sin no more.
[Eve rises, and leaves the Confessional.]