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In Imitation of Hudibras

The Dissenting Hypocrite, or Occasional Conformist; with reflections On Two of the Ring-Leaders, &c. Viz. I. Their Works and Writings. II. Their Professions and Principles. III. Their Qualifications and Parts. IV. Their Persons and Practices [by Edward Ward]

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So much for his Notorious Works,
Fit for Jews, Infidels, and Turks;
To sow Division among Christians,
And make 'em think us all Philistins:
But not one David left t'engage
This Great Goliah's mighty Rage.
One would e'en think the Sons of Jesse.
For want of Force, were not in Esse;
No Vigour, Courage, or brave Action
To Curb a Monstrous growing Faction.
Th'insulted Levites have not thrown
At th'Men of Gath one Conqu'ring Stone.
It looks as if they were engaged
In Solemn League with the Enraged,


Sworn Enemies of Israel's Laws,
T'advance the Old Rebellious Cause.
Ye know those bloody Lyons by their Paws.
But One irrefragable Writer,
To oppose Dalilah and fight her:
The Rest dishearten'd, or afraid
That Sampson should not be Betray'd.
Such insincere and treach'rous Friends,
Pursue their own sinister Ends;
And only want a fair Occasion,
To undeceive the bubbled Nation:
Else we'd soon see in th'English Plain,
The Presbyterians Champion slain.
Such Proud and Anti Christian Spirits,
If they're not punish'd for Demerits,
Will soon advance the Alcoran more
Than ever Mahomet did before;


And in a fatal wond'ring Trice,
Transport us all to Paradise:
Or else both Mecca and Geneva lyes.