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Odes of Pindar

With several other Pieces in Prose and Verse, Translated from the Greek. To which is added a dissertation on the Olympick games. By Gilbert West

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This Ode is inscribed to Psaumis of Camarina (a Town in Sicily) who, in the Eighty second Olympiad, obtained Three Victories; one in the Race of Chariots drawn by Four Horses; a second in the Race of the Apené, or Chariot drawn by Mules, and a third in the Race of Single Horses.

Some People (it seems) have doubted, whether this Ode be Pindar's, for certain Reasons, which together with the Arguments on the other Side, the learned Reader may find in the Oxford Edition and others of this Author; where it is clearly proved to be genuine. But besides the Reasons there given for doubting if this Ode be Pindar's, there is another (though not mentioned, as I know of, by any one) which may have helped to biass People in their Judgment upon this Question. I shall therefore beg leave to consider it a little, because what I shall say upon that Head, will tend to illustrate both the Meaning and the Method of Pindar in this Ode. In the Greek Editions of this Author there are Two Odes (of which this is the second) inscribed to the same Psaumis, and dated both in the same Olympiad. But they differ from


each other in several Particulars, as well in the Matter as the Manner. In the Second Ode, Notice is taken of Three Victories obtained by Psaumis; in the First, of only One, viz. that obtained by him in the Race of Chariots drawn by Four Horses: In the Second, not only the City of Camarina, but the Lake of the same Name, many Rivers adjoining to it, and some Circumstances relating to the present State, and the rebuilding of that City (which had been destroyed by the Syracusians some Years before) are mentioned; whereas in the First, Camarina is barely named, as the Country of the Conqueror, and as it were out of Form: From all which I conclude, that these two Odes were composed to be sung at different Times, and in different Places. The First at Olympia, immediately upon Psaumis's being proclaimed Conqueror in the Chariot-Race, and before he obtained his other two Victories. This may with great Probability be inferred as well from no mention being there made of those two Victories, as from the Prayer which the Poet subjoins immediately to his Account of the First, viz. that Heaven would in like Manner be favourable to the rest of the Victor's Wishes; which Prayer, though it be in general Words, and one frequently used by Pindar in other of his Odes, yet has a peculiar Beauty and Propriety, if taken to relate to the other Two Exercises, in which Psaumis was


still to contend; and in which he afterwards came off victorious. That it was the Custom for a Conqueror, at the Time of his being proclaimed, to be attended by a Chorus, who sung a Song of Triumph in Honour of his Victory, I have observed in the Dissertation prefixed to these Odes. In the Second, there are so many Marks of its having been made to be sung at the triumphal Entry of Psaumis into his own Country, and those so evident, that, after this Hint given, the Reader cannot help observing them, as he goes through the Ode. I shall therefore say nothing more of them in this Place; but that they tend, by shewing for what Occasion this Ode was calculated, to confirm what I said relating to the other; and jointly with that to prove, that there is no reason to conclude from there being two Odes inscribed to the same Person, and dated in the same Olympiad, that the latter is not Pindar's, especially as it appears, both in the Style and Spirit, altogether worthy of him.


The Poet begins with addressing himself to Camarina, a Sea Nymph, from whom the City and Lake were both named, to bespeak a favourable Reception of his Ode, a Present which he tells her was made to her by Psaumis, who rendered her City illustrious at the Olympick Games; where having obtained


Three Victories, he consecrated his Fame to Camarina, by ordering the Herald, when he proclaimed him Conqueror, to style him of that City. This he did at Olympia; but now, continues Pindar, upon his coming home, he is more particular, and inserts in his triumphal Song the Names of the principal Places and Rivers belonging to Camarina: from whence the Poet takes occasion to speak of the rebuilding of that City, which was done about this Time, and of the State of Glory, to which, out of her low and miserable Condition, she was now brought by the means of Psaumis, and by the Lustre cast on her by his Victories; Victories (says he) not to be obtained without much Labour and Expence, the usual Attendants of great and glorious Actions; but the Man who succeeded in such like Undertakings, was sure to be rewarded with the Love and Approbation of his Country. The Poet then addresses himself to Jupiter in a Prayer, beseeching him to adorn the City and State of Camarina with Virtue and Glory; and to grant to the Victor Psaumis a joyful and contented Old Age, and the Happiness of dying before his Children: after which he concludes with an Exhortation to Psaumis to be contented with his Condition; which he insinuates was as happy as that of a Mortal could be, and it was to no Purpose for him to wish to be a God.



Fair Camarina, Daughter of the Main,
With gracious Smiles this Choral Song receive,
Sweet Fruit of virtuous Toils; whose noble Strain
Shall to th'Olympick Wreath new Lustre give:


This Psaumis, whom on Alpheus' Shore
With unabating Speed
The harness'd Mules to Conquest bore,
This Gift to Thee decreed;
Thee, Camarina, whose well-peopled Tow'rs
Thy Psaumis render'd great in Fame,
When to the Twelve Olympian Pow'rs
He fed with Victims the triumphal Flame.
When, the double Altars round,
Slaughter'd Bulls bestrew'd the Ground;
When, on Five selected Days,
Jove survey'd the Lists of Praise;
While along the dusty Course
Psaumis urg'd his straining Horse,
Or beneath the social Yoke
Made the well-match'd Coursers smoke;
Or around th'Elean Goal
Taught his Mule-drawn Carr to roll.
Then did the Victor dedicate his Fame
To Thee, and bade the Herald's Voice proclaim
Thy new-establish'd Walls, and Acron's honour'd Name.



But now return'd from where the pleasant Seat
Once of Oenomaus and Pelops stood,
Thee, Civick Pallas, and thy chaste Retreat,
He bids me sing, and fair Oanus' Flood,
And Camarina's sleeping Wave,
And those sequestred Shores,
Through which the thirsty Town to lave
Smooth flow the watry Stores
Of fishy Hipparis, profoundest Stream,
Adown whose Wood-envelop'd Tide
The solid Pile, and lofty Beam,
Materials for the future Palace, glide.
Thus by War's rude Tempests torn,
Plung'd in Misery and Scorn,
Once again, with Pow'r array'd,
Camarina lifts her Head,
Gayly bright'ning in the Blaze,
Psaumis, of thy hard-earn'd Praise.


Trouble, Care, Expence attend
Him, who labours to ascend
Where, approaching to the Skies,
Virtue holds the sacred Prize,
That tempts him to atchieve the dangerous Deed:
But, if his well-concerted Toils succeed,
His Country's just Applause shall be his glorious Meed.


O Jove! Protector of Mankind!
O Cloud-enthroned King of Gods!
Who on the Cronian Mount reclin'd,
With Honour crown'st the wide-stream'd Floods
Of Alpheus, and the solemn Gloom
Of Ida's Cave! to thee I come
Thy Suppliant, to soft Lydian Reeds,
Sweet breathing forth my tuneful Pray'r,
That, grac'd with noble, valiant Deeds,
This State may prove thy Guardian Care;
And Thou, on whose victorious Brow
Olympia bound the sacred Bough,
Thou whom Neptunian Steeds delight,
With Age, Content, and Quiet crown'd,
Calm may'st thou sink to endless Night,
Thy Children, Psaumis, weeping round.


And since the Gods have giv'n thee Fame and Wealth,
Join'd with that Prime of Earthly Treasures, Health,
Enjoy the Blessings they to Man assign,
Nor fondly sigh for Happiness divine.