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The London-Spy Compleat In Eighteen Parts

By the Author of the Trip to Jamaica [i.e. Edward Ward]

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IV. [Part IV.]


[Why should Christians be restrain'd]

Why should Christians be restrain'd
From the brisk enliv'ning Juice,
Heaven only has ordain'd
(Thro' Love to Man) for humane use?
Should not Claret be deny'd
To the Turks, they'd Wiser grow;
Lay their Alchoran aside,
And soon believe as Christians do.


For Wine and Religion, like Musick and Wine,
As they are Good in themselves, do to Goodness incline;
And make both the Spirit and Flesh so divine,
That our Faces and Graces both equally shine:
Then still let the Bumper round Christendom pass,
For Paradice lost may be found in a Glass.


[May Rats and Mice]

May Rats and Mice
Consume his Shreds,
His Patterns and his Measures;
May Nits and Lice
Infest his Beds,
And Care confound his Pleasures.
May his long Bills
Be never paid;
And may his Help-mate Horn-him;
May all his Ills
Be Publick made;
And may his Watchmen Scorn-him.


May Cucumbers
Be all his Food,
And Small-Beer be his Liquor;
Lustful Desires
Still fire his Blood,
But may his Reins grow weaker.
When old may he,
Reduced be
From Constable to Beadle,
And live until
He cannot feel.
His Thimble from his Needle.