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The Grecian Story

Being an Historical Poem, in Five Books. To which is Annex'd The Grove: Consisting of Divers Shorter Poems upon several Subjects. By J. H. [i.e. John Harington]

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But Fame's record, amongst the rural Train,
Does one advance as Glory of that Plain;
Their Prince esteem'd, whose gallant Form excell'd,
Orsamnes call'd: pronounc'd unparallel'd.
Clearest brown Cheek: his bright, triumphant Eyes
Born conquerours, fair Virgin-troop their Prize;
Such lovely flames and Manlike both survay'd:
Seem'd court-bred Star: well-mounted Brow displai'd.
Each feature, part conjoin'd choice Ornament;
Narcissus might, Endimion represent.
His large, spread Locks in many a gallant Curl
Shew'd sportive Wantons there, like trembling Purl
O'th' shoulders danc'd when mov'd, whom wand'ring Wind
Did dandle oft like Playfellow, untwin'd;
Whilst Nimphs their Sighs did breath, enamour'd train;
Heart-gives they seem'd those Gazers to enchain;
Howe're Himself less then dispos'd to Love:
For body's form did rarely builded prove.
Transcendent Mind, adorn'd with noblest Parts:
Choice Virtue too advanc'd his grand deserts.


Age twenty one: whose certain Birth we shall
E're long declare, Breeding conjoin'd withal.
Spruce Hat he wore, th' height, breadth indiff'rent Crown'd,
Green Taffaty; neat-folded Wreath went round
Made of the same: for Garments too excell'd;
Suit, Coat green Taffaty, clasp'd down beheld
With silver Plates, o'th' brest and sides, behind;
Long, branched form; with choice Aurora lin'd.
Short Buskins (last) for color, Stuff compli'd,
With ribbond-knots of fair Aurora ti'd,