University of Virginia Library


Epigrams from the Greek.

On marble tombs let no rich essence flow,
No chaplet bloom, no lamp suspended glow;
Vain cost! while yet I live, these honours pay:
Wine can but moisten ashes into clay.
Mindful of many a tear and many a sigh,
My prudent heart from Anna bids me fly:
In vain! too weak my resolution proves:
This prudent heart, that gravely bids me,—loves.
His shafts, the terror of the skies,
No more the god of Love discover;
Now from fair Anna's azure eyes
With surer aim they wound the lover.
For Venus he mistook the maid,
And laughing, ran his arms to give her:
The bow she bent; her skill essay'd;
And emptied at my heart the quiver.
If a kiss so offend you, dear maid!
And to punish the insult you burn;
Let affront with affront be repaid,
And kiss me ten times in return.