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The Twickenham Hotch-Potch

For the Use of the Rev. Dr. Swift, Alexander Pope, Esq.; and Company. Being a sequel to the Beggars Opera, &c. Containing, I. The State of Poetry, and Fate of Poets, in the Reign of King Charles IId. II. Seriousities and Comicalities, by Peter Henning, a Dutchman. III. Two Dozen of Infallible Maxims, for Court and City. IV. The Present War among Authors, viz. Swift, Pope, Theobald, Rolli, Voltaire, Parson B---dy, and Mr. Ozell. V. The Rival Actresses, viz. Mrs. O---d, Mrs. P---r, Mrs. B---h, Miss Y---ger and Miss Polly Peachum. VI. A Poetical Catalogue of Polly Peachum's Gallants. VII. An Epistle from Signora F---na to a Lady. VIII. A True Copy of Polly Peachum's Opera. Also, her Panegyrick. Written by Caleb D'Anvers [i.e. Nicholas Amhurst]

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EPIGRAM, To Miss Beswick, alias Fenton, alias Polly Peachum.
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EPIGRAM, To Miss Beswick, alias Fenton, alias Polly Peachum.

Be not vain of your fancy'd Success I desire you,
Nor think that Lords love you, because they admire you;
A Monster does, doubtless, deserve Admiration,
As much as the Prettiest Girl in the Nation;
And hourly Experience, Lavinia, will shew you,
A Granny is star'd at, as much as a Chloe.

This Ballad-Singing-Beauty (which our present Race of Beaus so much Admire) is a raw-bon'd, large-featur'd Female Virago, and having the necessary Qualification, requir'd by Serjeant Kite, of being six Foot high, is, no doubt, born to be a Great Woman.