University of Virginia Library

VIII. A Song of Praise for Family-Prosperity.


Thy Blessing, Lord, doth multiply
One Jacob to two Bands,
One Person to a Family,
Which thro' thy Blessing stands.
On all my Flock both great and small
Thy Sun doth Sweetly Shine.
Thy fruitful drops do gently fall
On every Branch of mine.


Thy Blessing made the loaves to grow,
And multitudes were Fed.


My House is Fill'd and Feasted too.
It is an House of Bread.
How can I hear my Children Sing,
And not Sing unto thee?
Since they glad Newes from Heav'n do bring,
My God must hear from me.


Mine Olive Branches and my Vine
Thrive by my Tables Side,
Whilst others wither and decline,
Who in Deaths Shade abide.
With Covenant-Blood my posts are Red,
'Tis on my Lintle found.
And Lo! the line of Scarlet thread
Is on my window bound.


'Tis not, my God, my self alone,
But mine, to thee I ow.
Thou mad'st me many out of one,
So let thy praises grow.
Whatever Lord is done to thine,
Thou count'st it done to thee


And whatsoever's done to mine,
I Count it done to me.


Let me be ever good to thine,
Who art so good to me!
Let thine be mine and mine be thine,
And they twice mine shall be;
Then shall my House a Temple be,
Then I and mine shall Sing
Hosannaes to thy Majestie,
And praise our Heavenly King.