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To my Reverend Friend Mr. H****.
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To my Reverend Friend Mr. H****.

on his Presenting me The Reasonableness of Christianity, and The History of King CHARLES the First, &c.

Good Sir, if I could my Resentments shew
In words, how much I am oblig'd to you,
I wou'd invoke some Muse to teach me how
T' express my gratitude in number now;
But, Sir, the kindness which to me you shew'd,
Transcends the bounds of finite gratitude:


What number then, alas, can there be fit
To cypher kindness which is infinite?
And such is that which teaches us to know
God and our selves, and what we ought to do:
For whilst I in your Parish spent my Youth,
I gain'd the knowledge of all saving Truth;
And when my Exit was by fate design'd,
To shew, you'd not impos'd upon my Mind
(In its Minority, what Reason might
In its mature and full-grown vigour slight)
You kindly gave me in Epitome.
The Reasonableness of Christianitie.
Which shews there's no necessity to make
Us discard Reason when our Faith we take.
For God, who knew how apt we were to slide
From Faith, if we'd no reason for our Guide,
Made all his Precepts, which on Faith were fix'd,
To be with reason, and our int'rest mix'd;
For howsoe'er by some they're understood,
I'm sure it is our int'rest to be good:
And lest Example should be wanting to
Excite us to what Precepts bid us do,
He always gave us some, whose Virtues did
Exalt good deeds, and wicked ones forbid;


Whose Christian strength was able to subdue
The busie World, Flesh, and the Devil too.
'Mongst whom there's none more Eminently good
Than he who seal'd the Truth with's Royal Blood;
Who prov'd himself by's Royal Sufferings
The best of Men, as well as best of Kings:
As David was Christ's Sire, and Servant, so
Charles was his Brother, Son and Servant too.
Much might be said to call our Wonder forth,
And fall much short of his transcendent VVorth;
For he so far all praises do's surpass,
That who speaks most, speaks short of what he was.
For nothing can his matchless worth express,
Nor characterize his mighty Soul, unless
VVisdom her self assume religious dress.
Thanks then, Good Sir, to you, for giving me
This compleat Mirrour of Christianitie.