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The frailtie and hurtfulnes of beautie.
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The frailtie and hurtfulnes of beautie.

Brittle beautie, that nature made so fraile,
Whereof the gift is small, and short the season,

Flowring to day, to morowe apt to faile,
Tickell treasure abhorred of reason,
Daungerous to dele with, vaine, of none auaile,
Costly in keping, past not worthe two peason,
Slipper in sliding as is an eles taile,
Harde to attaine, once gotten not geason,
Iewel of ieopardie that perill dothe assaile,
False and vntrue, enticed oft to treason,
Enmy to youth: that moste may I bewaile,
Ah bitter swete infecting as the poyson:
Thou farest as frute that with the frost is taken,
Today redy ripe, to morowe all to shaken.