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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Aliud mirabile. Martinus in cronicis suis de mirabilibus Rome.

Sumtime in Rome made þer was
a temple of ful grete richesse,
temple of pes that ilk plas
was callide, as writen is expresse,
Al of gold & of perre,
thrid part þe world hit was worthy,
of quich ȝet sumquat men may se,
but negh dar non com for any.
But þat temple, leue ȝe me,
was sett al ful of mavmetry,
of iche londe & eke cuntre
hor god stode þer apertely.
Vchone hade writen on his brest
his nome, the londes name also,
A belle of siluer of þe best
the image ber of alle tho.
Imyddes that temple was stondyng
the god of Rome ful rialy,
As grattest god & most chef kyng
of al þat oþer company.
A-boue þat temple al with-out
A hors-mon stode al made of bras,
A sper in his honde wonder stout
turnyng about þat image was.


Ȝif any lond wold do any
to Rome with bost or with bataile,
or comyng by conspiracy
that ilke cite to assaile,
The image of þat lond in hy
rong his belle with-out faile,
And turnet his bak ful deignously
to god of Rome, hom to auaile.
And that hors-mon made of bras
A-buf þe temple turnet his sper
toward þat lond þat risyng was
Agaynus Rome bataile to rere.
Qven prestes þat wer þer dwellyng
sich tokenyng forto aspye,
segh þos ymages hom turnyng,
to þe souerayns þai con hye,
And tolden quat lond was risyng
the empir of Rome to any.
thai senden onon bout tarying
legiouns þat londe to destrie,
Or ellis to kepe hom in comyng
And so to sle hom sodeynly,
thus þai conqueret kemp & kyng
And al þe world als witerly.
Now wil I telle, ȝe know moun,
quat a legion is to say,
An ost it is to bataile boun
of certeyn noumber, nys no nay,
Sex thousande men of gret renoun,
six hundreth sixty & sex in fay
was callide þat time a legioun
of knyȝtes kyd in gode aray.


In þat temple was fuyre ay cler,
that slek myȝt no wordly wyȝt
with wynde water ne no mater
that monnus witt imagyn myȝt.
But of this temple, bout wer,
he þat wroȝt hit asket was
how long & als hou mony ȝer
hit shuld endur so in þat place.
And he onswaret & told expres,
hit shuld endur, leue þeropon,
til a virgyn wemmles
had born a childe bout help of mon.
Qven men of Rome herden þis,
thay leuet soth as prophecy
hit shuld endur, nothyng omys,
with-out ende þer witerly,
And writen riȝt in þe entre
of that temple al bifore,
that temple & fuyr shuld lastyng be
In þat place for euer-more.

Hec verba scripta erant in lingua latina: Templum pacis eternum.

Neuer-þe-later al fel doun
quen Crist was born of Our Lady,
temple & images, ȝe leue moun,
And fuyr als slekket sikerly
Opon ȝole-day with-outen drede,
as after wist was oponly,
thus was þe deul al in his dede
deceyuet thurgh Goddus mercy.