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Sixe Bookes. First three Bookes. Of Tooth-lesse Satyrs. 1. Poeticall. 2. Academicall. 3. Morall: Corrected and amended

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[Another, whose more heauy hearted Saint]

Another, whose more heauy hearted Saint
Delights in nought but notes of rufull plaint,
Vrgeth his melting Muse with solemne teares
Rime of some dreerie fates, of lucklesse peeres.
Then brings he vp some branded whining ghost,
To tell how olde misfortunes had him tost.
Then must he ban the guiltlesse fates aboue.
Or fortune fraile, or vnrewarded loue.
And when he hath parbrak'd his grieued minde,
He sends him downe where earst he did him finde,
Without one peny to pay Charons hire,
That waiteth for the wandring ghosts retire.