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Mottets of two voyces for treble or tenor and bass

With the Continued Bass or Score: To be performed to an Organ, Harpspycon, Lute or Bass-Viol. Published By Walter Porter

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XV. To Mr. Robert Coleman.

Thou Mover As Servants mark their Masters hands

Thou Mover As Servants mark their Masters hands, as Maids their Mistresses commands, and liberty expect. So we deprest by enemies, and growing troubles, fix our Eyes on God, who sits on high; Till he in mercy shall descend to give our miseries an end, and turn our tears our tears to joy. Till he in mercy shall descend to give our miseries an end, and turn our tears our tears to joy. O save us, Lord, us, Lord, O save us, Lord, us, Lord, by all forlorn, the subject of contempt and scorn, the subject of contempt of contempt and scorn and scorn. Defend us from their pride, who live in fluency and ease; who who with our woes their malice please, and miseries deride.

George Sandys.