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Fvneral Teares

For the death of the Right Honorable the Earle of Deuonshire. Figvred In seauen songes, whereof sixe are so set forth that the wordes may be exprest by a treble voice alone to the Lute and Base Viole, or else that the meane part may bee added, if any shall affect more finnesse of parts. The Seaventh Is made in forme of a Dialogue, and cannot be sung without two voyces, Inuented by Iohn Coprario [i.e. John Cooper]

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In darkenesse let me dwell

In darknesse let me dwell, the ground shall sorrow be,
The roofe despaire to barre all chearefull light from me,
The walles of marble black that moistned stil shall weepe,
My musicke hellish iarring sounds to banish frendly sleepe.
Thus wedded to my woes, and bedded in my tombe,
O let me dying liue till death doth come.
My dainties griefe shall be, and teares my poisned wine,
My sighes the aire, throgh which my panting hart shall pine
My robes my mind shall sute exceeding blackest night,
My study shall be tragicke thoughtes sad fancy to delight.
Pale Ghosts and frightful shades shal my acquaintance
O thus my haples ioy I haste to thēe.