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A Mvsicall Dreame

Or The Fovrth Booke Of Ayres, The First part is for the Lute, two Voyces, and the Viole de Gambo; The Second part is for the Lute, the Viole and foure Voices to Sing: The Third part is for one Voyce alone, or to the Lute, the Basse Viole, or to both if you please, VVhereof, two are Italian Ayres

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[On a time in summer season]


On a time in summer season,
Iocky late with Ienny walking
Like a loue made loue with talking,
When he should be doing.
Reason still he cries, when he should dally,
Sweet Ienny sweet shall I shall I,


Ienny as most women vse it,
Who say nay when they would haue it,
VVith a bolde face seemed to craue it,
With a faint looke did refuse it,
Iocky lost his time to dally,
Still he cries, sweete shall I, shall I.


She who knew that backward dealing.
was a foe to forward longing,
To auoide her owne hearts wronging,
with a sigh loues sute reuealing.
Said locky sweet when you would dally,
Doe you cry sweet, shall I shall I.


Iocky knew by her replying,
That a no is I in wooing,
That an asking without doing,
Is the way to loues denying.
Now he knowes when he would dally
How to spare sweet shall I shall I.