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P. B. to such as have heretofore found fault with Gascoignes Posies.

Gaynst good deserts, both pride and envie swell,
As neede repines, to see his neighbour ritche:
And slaunder chafes, where vertues prosper well,
As sicke men thinke, all others health to mitch:
Such filthie faultes, mens harts ofttymes inflame,
That spight presumes, to stayne the worthies name.


Are brutall things, transferred so to men?
Or men become more savage than the beast?
We see the dogge, that kenelles in his den,
(For onely foode) obeyes his Lordes behest:
Yea more than that, remembers so reliefe,
As (in his kinde) he mournes at masters griefe.
If thou perceyve, whereto my tale intendes,
Then (slaunder) cease to wrong a frendly wight,
Who for his countreys good, his travayle spendes,
Sometime where blowes are given in bloudie fight:
And other tymes he frames with skilfull pen,
Such verse, as may content eche moulde of men.
As nowe beholde, he here presentes to thee,
The blossoms fayre, of three well sorted seedes.
The first he feynes, fresh Flowers for to bee:
The second Herbes, the last he termeth Weedes.
All these, the soyle of his well fallowed brayne,
(With Pallas droppes bedewde) yeeldes for thy gaine.
The Hearbes to grave conceyt, and skilfull age,
The fragrant Flowers to sent of yonger smell:
The worthlesse Weedes, to rule the wanton rage
Of recklesse heades, he gives: then use them well:
And gather (friend) but neyther spight nor spoyle,
These Posies made, by his long painfull toyle.