University of Virginia Library


Some European Saints of these dayes.

And in the Churches that did spring
In Europe Grace her Beams did bring
In glorious wise, which darting fling
Out Balls of Light
At Athens Publius displayes
Christs Banner who liv'd in those dayes
Wherein Vile men afflictions raise
By Wicked spite.
Then follows brave Quadratus there
Who'd seen some that from death raisd were
By Christ himselfe a Pillar here
Of glorious Fame
And after him there up arose
Good Aristides to disclose
Christs Grace to them, in spite of foes,
And blessed Name.
At Corinth, Primus, Denyse and
Bacchilides: at Lystra stand
Up Quirine, and followd out of hand
At Rome also there shining is,
Choice Clemens Pauls Companion yes
And many Choice ones sit for bliss
By Piety.
Here Egesippus now steps in
And springs of Piety and spring
Of this Choice one for Christ our king
Whose Cause he pleads.
Now Justine Martyre doth not feare
With strong Apologies t'appeare
Before the Tyrant for our Deare
Choice Lord who lead's.
Christs gracious Beams shine forth in France
Though such that in Church State advance
His Cause, at Lions Vien lance
Out in this main.
Photicus here shews Piety
And Ireneus learnedly
By Polycarpe taught vertuously
Here Christ proclaim.
Such Scutch'ons now hang forth of Grace
Christians abound in e'ry place
And armed souldiers it imbrace,
Its beams out fly.
Hence springs the shine of Holiness
And Piety becomes their dress
With powerfull Prayre that in distress
They sent on high.


Mark Antonine doth witness this
Whose army grew for thirst remiss
And weake against those foes of his
Quades, Vandalls, and
Sarmatians in a streight place where
With five dayes thirst they stressed were
Thought now at brink of ruine were
They could not stand
This Legion then calld Melitine
All Christians, fell thus at that time
Down on their knees, and prayde, in fine
God tapt the Cloudes.
Drew for the Army drinke also
Out of His Firkins, and did throw
Darts firy i'th' face of the foe
That brake their Shroudes.
The Foes amaizd, away do fly,
Markes Army 'fresht gain Victory
Are filled with tryumphant Joy,
This Legion call
The Thundering Legion. Thus through Grace
Their Powerfull Prayres in such a Case
Prevaild: which as a Glass wee place
Of Grace 'fore all.