University of Virginia Library

Sir George Mackenzie, His Majesty's Advocate, being in Hawthornden's Closet, wrote down this Elogy of him.

Here liv'd that Poet, whose Immortal Name
Was Crown'd by Lawrels, and adorn'd by Fame;
Whom every Man next to himself did love;
Who durst be Loyal, and, what's more, reprove
The Vices of that base rebellious Age;
His was a Poet's, theirs a Tyrant's Rage.
Each Man him then his Neighbour wish'd to be,
And we now grieve that we did not him see.
They did his Wit, we do his Works admire,
And each young Spark does kindle at his Fire:
Or, which is more, he Poems can beget
On my old Muse, tho' now much past the Date.