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The valiant actes And victorious Battailes of the English nation

from the yeere of our Lord, one thousand three hundred twentie and seuen: being the first yeare of the raigne of the most mightie Prince Edvvard the third, to the yeere 1558. Also, of the peaceable and quiet state of England, vnder the blessed gouernement of the most excellent and vertuous Princesse Elizabeth: A compendious declaration written by C. O. And newly translated out of Latine verse into English meeter. By I. S. [i.e. John Sharrock]

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To the worshipfull his approued good frend, M. Iohn Estmond Bacheiler of Law, one of the fellowes of Sainte Mary Colledge: commonly called the Newe Colledge in Oxenford.