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The poems of George Daniel

... From the original mss. in the British Museum: Hitherto unprinted. Edited, with introduction, notes, and illustrations, portrait, &c. By the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart: In four volumes

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A Pastorall Ode; The Eglogue is Lost.

Come leave the Citie's strife
And chuse a Countrie Life,
There place my Ioyes; and let my wandring mind
Be fixt, and there confin'd;
There, with my lovèd Sheepe,
And my owne Silvia, I as prince, can keepe,
Crowned Monarch, in her Brest,
Equall loving, equall Blest;
Come, come away, my thoughts, be fixèd here,
ffor greater pleasures have ye greater Care.
What though I doe not find
My Galleries, there Lined
With Atticke hangings, nor Corinthian Plate,
(Ensignes of greater State
Placed for more ornament)
Is't in these vanities to find Content?
I doe not Covet these;
An humble Roofe may please
An humble mind; and who can tell? there may
Be troubled Thoughts in Downe, as well as Hay.


Though Gray or Russet be
My height of Gayetie,
Though I nor Plush, nor gaudie Sattin have;
Enough, I doe none Crave:
What though, my Backe, or Thigh,
Not Cloathèd be with Woole, in Tirian Dye!
Nor Beaver's ffleece enrich
My Browes! tis not the Itch
Of Glorie takes me; I can often find
In Garments trimme, a Discomposèd mind.
The Colchian Bird's to mee
Noe baite of Luxurie,
Nor doe I seeke th' Ionian Partridge, more
Then Hens, from my owne Doore;
The Lushious oyster is,
And Lobster, though of treeble price
Not moveing; neither seeke
I Spanish Wines, or Greeke,
To Stirre my Spirrits: I can gladly bee
Sated with lesse, and Shun the Luxurie.
What tho' perhaps I want
Beauties, and have no hant
Where I may wanton, and quench lustfull fires;
Noe need; for those desires
I doe not harbour; Soe
I flye the Sin, and the occasion too;


ffor Silvia is to me
More then varietie;
In her deare Eyes I ioy, and can take thence
A fflame of Modestie and Innocence.
Noe Lustfull Raptures me
Hold in Captivitie;
I seeke noe wanton mistress, I can Spend
(And wish time might not End,)
Daies, and Years, with Silvia;
Shee, to my pleasèd Thoughts, is more then they
Can fancie, in their Dreams;
I would, these foule extreames,
Not less then Scylla, or Charibdis Shun;
There is an Isthmus, I would fixe vpon.
The gaudie Citie's pride,
Nor what they boast beside,
Nor their full Treasures, nor their furnisht roomes,
Where Silken Madam comes;
Not all the Cloaths they weare
Nor their high feastings, and luxurious fare;
Not Madam's selfe, can make
Mee, countrie Life forsake;
Noe; let them riot, revel, feast, and vant
Their garments rich as these, the Sin I want.
Ile shun Court Care, and the proud Citie's strife,
Center my Ioyes, in a poore Countrie Life.