University of Virginia Library


Sonnet to the authoure.

We finde by prwif that into euerie aige
In phœbus art sum glistring starr did shyne,
Who, worthye Scollaris to the muses saige,
Fulfild thair countreis with thair works dewyne:
So Homer was a sounding trumpet fyne
Amangst the Greikis into his learned dayes;
So Virgill was amongst the Romans syne
A spreit sublimed, a pillar of thair prayse;
So loftye Petrark his renoun did blayse
In tounge Italique in a sugred style,
and to the circled skyes his name did rayse;
For he by poems that he did compyle
Led in Triumphe lowe, chaistnes, death, and fame;
bot thow triumphs ouer Petrarchs propper name.
I. Rex.