The Golden Fleece Divided into three Parts, Under Which are discouered the Errours of Religion, the Vices and Decayes of the Kingdome, and lastly the wayes to get wealth, and to restore Trading so much complayned of. Transported from Cambrioll Colchos, out of the Southermost Part of the Iland, commonly called the Newfoundland, By Orpheus Iunior [i.e.William Vaughan], For the generall and perpetuall Good of Great Britaine |
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Chap. IIII. The Golden Fleece | ||
[It seem'd a virgin full of liuing flame]
It seem'd a virgin full of liuing flame,That would haue mou'd, if not with-held by shame
So Art it selfe conceald. His Art admires.
From th' Image drawes imaginarie fires,
And often feeles it with his hands to try,
If 'twere a Bodie or cold Iuorie.
Nor could resolue. Who kissing thought it kist.
He courts, embraces, wrings it by the wrist.
Master Sands in Oxids Metæ. lib. 10.
Chap. IIII. The Golden Fleece | ||