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The First Parte, of The Eyghth liberall Science

Entituled, Ars adulandi, The Arte of Flatterie, with the confutation therof, both very pleasaunt and profitable, deuised and compiled, by Vlpian Fulwell

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A discription of the seuen liberall Sciences, into whose company the eight hath intruded her selfe.


If learning may delight thy youthfull brest
If tender yeares to skilfull lore bee bent
Approche to mee, voutchsafe to bee my guest:
My entertaynement shall thy minde content.
My key in hand shall ope the gate of skill,
My Booke on brest shall teach thy tongue and quill.


From Grammers Schoole approch to mee with speede,
Where thou maist learne the rule to reason right,
I geue the fruit, though Grammer sow the seede:
In mee thou maist decerne the darke from light.
My fastened fist much matter doth import,
Coucht in few wordes fit for the learned sort.


When Grammers grace, and Logickes learned lore,
Hath deckt thy minde, and mended nature well,
My golden study shall yeeld thee such store,
Of flowing wordes and phrases that excell.
Lo here with open hand I do display,
The flowing flood of eloquence alway.


When mistie clowde of drouping dumpish head

Doth driue thy minde to plunge in pensiue poole,
The clog of care that soking sorowes bread,
Is cleane shakte of, by entring to my Schoole.
My dainty tunes do yeeld such sugred sap,
As drawes ech blisse, and driues eche foule mishap.


By Sciphering Science, lo my summes I cast,
By wit and weight, I wonderous thinges contriue,
With bunch of keyes, my counts are lockt vp fast:
In mee thou maist see how thy wealth doth thriue.
My armes and brest, my legs eke naked bee,
To shew that trueth and plainenesse rests in mee.


From earthly skill vnto the lofty skies,
My globe and I, will shew the lore of light
Thou shalt foresee what tempest will arise,
To thee such secrets shall appeare in sight.
That Starres and Planets shall thy mates remain,
And thou a fellow with celestiall traine.


Beholde the Compasse and the other tooles,
Wherwith I worke such wonders as seeme straunge,
My Rule and Quadrant, are no bookes for fooles,
A learned scull must in my precepts range.
Now when thou hast vs Sisters seauen obtainde.
A worlde of wealth and wisdome thou hast gainde.