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Muses, you haue had of your father,
Onelie, the particuler fauer,
To keepe fro the reeue enfernall:
And therefore my wantons come sing,
Upon your most best speaking string,
His name that dooth cheerishe you all.
Come Nimphes while I haue a desire,
To strike on a well sounding Lyre,
Of our vertues Deuer the name.
Deuer, that had giuen him in parte:
The Loue, the Warre, Honour, and Arte,
And with them an eternall Fame.
Come Nimphes, your puissaunce is diuine:
And to those that you shew no fauour,
Quicklie they are depriude of honour,
And slaues to the chaines Cossitine.