University of Virginia Library


[Delite doth nessell in her comelie face]


The initial letter of each of the first fifteen lines of this poem is emboldened, to spell Dorothie Halsall.

Delite doth nessell in her comelie face
On heade or heare like radiant Phebus strange
Radiant eies that light the darkest place
O heavenlie eies such heare Evaddna twynes
Two Cheris fel in beaten swgwr white
Her cheekes of them the coller do reserve
In her sweete lippes; the taste of them are sweete
Eternall praise, fayer Cheekes sweet lippes deserve
Her naked necke as white as silver swanne
As silver swanne or rarest lilie flowre
Let silver byrd or lily flower wax wan
Such white is hers as ever shall endure
Appelles payntinge venus face and breaste
Lefte the other partes impolisd without arte
Lord all the world canot expresse the rest
of this sweete wighte sole solace of my harte
J. S.