University of Virginia Library

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Sea Theife, and Land Theife, met by accident,
Vpon the way: and so consorted went,
Vnto a Towne, where they together In me:
There talke in what great dangers they haue bin,
And in their cups comparisons did make:
Which of them did most danger vndertake.
I (quoth purse-taker) that doe liue a Land,
Prepare my foes to fight, in bidding stand,
Drawing my weapon like a Martiall man,
Hauing no woodden wals to hide me than,
And creepe into a Cabbin from a shot:
Quoth tother, slaue, my goods is manlier got
A thousand times, then such night-crowes and Owles,
That lurke in bushes, like hedge-creeping fowles,
And cowardly vpon a man will set:
Through fire and water I my liuing get,
By thundring shot and stormy raging seas,
When thou wilt picke a pocket at thine ease.
Pocket (quoth he) and stabs him sodainly:
Tother againe with ponyard did reply,
Each charging th' other for an arrant theife.
So Constable came in, and to be breife,
Wapping, and Tyburne chaunc'd to be their ends:
And so the hangman made them quiet friends.