University of Virginia Library

An hypocriticall Knaue.

This villaine turnes an out-side, sad for sinne,
And bids his heart be carelesse, glad within:
His prayers at Church haue fained sighs between,
And still he sits, where he may best be seene:
VVhen he doth giue an almes in Iesus Name,
He lookes about to see who sees the same:
For Prayer, or deedes of Christian Charitie,
He alwayes seekes to haue some witnesse by,
Belike he hath some doubt in minde, proceedes,
Lest God denie that he hath done good deedes:
He more abhorres not to vncouer's head,
Hearing the name of Iesus vttered,
Then sweare by God, and take his name in vaine,
Yea, sight of Surplesse he doth more disdaine,
Than to be taken in his neighbours bed.
He like a Bull-rush can hang downe his head,
And sighing, say, his youth his God offended,
When neuer worse, most cause now to be mended.
To make faire outward show, ther's no man boulder,
Yet all he doth meere cousens the beholder.