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The kalender of shepherdes

the edition of Paris 1503 in photographic facsimile: a faithful reprint of R. Pynson's edition of London 1506. Edited with a critical introduction and glossary by H. Oskar Sommer

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The fyrst braunche of slewth.

Euyll thoughte.
Thought superflues
To delyte to thynke yll
To thynke that theyr synne is swete
Or longe abydynge thinkynge in euyll
Dolorous Thought
Howe darkly they may hurte
He that putteth his euyll to others.
As doynge euyll to be sayde.
Thought detestable
Howe they may do euyll.
As doynge euyll they may perseuer.
And howe they may resyst to god.


The .ii. braūche of slewthe.

To syne by custome.
For other synnes suche lyke.
For there custome is to do synne.
For there is none yt repreuis the doynge euyll.
syne by malys.
when eny dothe euyll & leuyth it.
when eny loues good & doth it not.
when eny loues not the good but the euyll.
Or be not ī wyll to leue the euyll
when eny dothe good gaynst his euyll.
when eny reioyses not doynge gode.
when it dyspleses them not yf they do euyll.

The thyrde braūche of slewthe.

By constans.
Belewynge good that they vnderstand not.
Chan̄gynge ofte tymes his purpose in coūsell.
wayllynge in aduersyte.
By pusalanymyte.
To drawe them selfe fro god.
To fayle the grace of god.
To drede to be gyn that is gode.
By cruelte.
Ferynge vnprofytabyll thynges & newes
Plesauntlyer rumowres & cryes & fablys
To speke newe thynges by his owne wyll.

The .iiii. braunche of slewthe.

Drede where they sholde not.
To drede it yt is to come & saye it is no damage.
Lesse the sperytuall goodes for the temporallis
yf temporall aduersyte be ouer grete or heuy.
Drede more thā they shold.
To make gret mornyng for yt which they haue loste
to morne whā they haue not their desyre.
To groge whā any thīge happeneth agayne thē
Drede thē that they sholde.
As detractowres yt they se ryghtfully.
Or to holde wyth the euyll to please them
Or that it noyes them not of others doyng gode

The .v. braunche of slewthe.

Euyll wyll.
wyll to do euyll.
whiche bereth to the dyshonoure of god.
Or to damage of his neyboure.
Or to the damage of his soule
And customely to vse euyll.
For the lectacyon of euyll.
For the dysplesaunce of god.
For these that they do please theyr mynde
To delyte them selfe as moche as they may ī yl
Nat resyst euyll thought.
Loue euyll dylectacyons
Desyre that they may delyte.


The .vi. braunche of slewthe.

Brekynge of vowes.
By neclygence.
whā any makes ther vow & ī dispraysīg to do it
yt makes les his vow thā he hath promysed.
yt fulfillis not his vow wt gode hert as he shold
By forgettynge
Of soleme vow secrete or thyngis yt perteynes therto
Of vow promissyd by hī self or for other
Of vow made to enter into relygyous
By dysspraysynge.
Not to fulfyl theyr vow whā they haue oportunyte
Or whā they may & doth not other suche lyke
Or yt he take no thought yt they may not do it

The .vii. braunche of slewthe.

Leue and do no penaunce.
For fynall penaunce & neuer to repēte.
By deferrynge fro day to day of repentynge.
By dyspraysynge that they wyll not repēte thē.
To haue no shame to do syn.
whan after lytell syn they rotes them in it.
whan they haue no shame of yll doynge.
To be delyueryd to fulfyll dedly syn.
purpose to syn.
After that they haue synned & to a byde in syn.
To seke occasyon to fall in euyll syn.
Or without sorowe to be gladde of that yl doyng

The .viii. braunche of slewthe.

Not to by leue yt at they sholde byleue.
To byleue the iewes or other vnfaythful men.
That byleueth not in the arteceles of the fayth.
Or that heres them sayd & wyl not byleue them
Byleue it that they sholde not byleue.
In false godes as doth the sarasyns.
In Idolles or any symulacres.
Or to byleue in dyuers thynges or wychecrafte.
To byleue Ignoraūtly.
Dowthe in that whych they sholde byleue.
byleue & not faythfully it that they shold byleue
nythely to let thē be dysceyued of theyr trouthe.

The .ix. braunche of slewthe.

Do without coūseyl this yt they shold be coūselid
Do without maner that that they sholde hope
Do without wysdome of these that is requyryd
This that they sholde vnderstāde.
Dysprayes wyt & woll not to be tawghte
Trauayle not to vnderstonde synes profytabyll
To haue porpose & set not therby that they shold lerne.
they that haue no wyl to vnderstande.
Or that takes not payne to vnderstande.
Or to haue excusacyon.
By swerynge & neclygence of lernynge.


The .x. braunche of slewthe.

Vayne sorowfulnes.
In noysumnes of leuynge.
whan good thynges be dysplesaūte.
whan all thynges are noysome.
whan all thynges that they do ar heuy.
False hope.
To presume to moche on the mersy of god.
& though they amēde thē not to truste on mersy
To lyue in syn without the drede of god.
To dysspayre theym selfe.
without dystruccyon of the Iustis of god.
For the gretnes of the syn that they haue done.
To mystruste of the marsy of god.

The .xi. braunche of slewthe.

Towarde the thynges deffendede.
whan any exposyth hym self in perrell of syn.
whan they ar moche assuryd to do syn.
whā they exposes thē self ouermoche ī tēptaciōs
To warde gode counseyll
And wyll not be good and leue the euyll.
And not honour the good but loue the euyll
Dysprayse the counsell of good men.
Towarde yt cōmaundemētes.
Ne do the cōmaundementes that they sholde.
Dysprayse the cōmaūdemente of hym yt doth it
Nor loue no thynge that is cōmaundyde.

The .xii. braunche of slewthe.

Euyll hope.
Dysprayse the good man.
To contynewe to do peuysshe wordes.
And hauynge hope to do euyll only.
Or to do bothe to geder.
To dred not to be defamyde.
Ne to set not by no thynges yt is sayd by the.
Ne care not who so is sclaunderyd with the.
Nor seke not who that other be edyfyed of the.
To do good in euyll intensyōs
Dyssayuyngely thou vnderstondest it well.
wt out dyscrecyō thou settest not by whō ne how
vnwysely for thou wylte not vnderstonde

The .xiii. braunche of slewthe.

Seke vnprofytabyll thynges.
wyllīge to vnderstande the thīge yt is ye maker of syn.
Labore to cōfoūde other of langage.
Or for to be callyd wyse Ideotes or folys.
Delite to se vayne thynges.
For to drawe other to it that is not laufull.
Or be that makes the & gyues the thy lyuynge.
Or causes the to vnderstonde all vanytes.
Do yt no other cane do.
Doynge newe thynges that they sawe neuer.
Or lerne thynges that be euyll.
Or thynges only for to make them laffe.


The .xiiii. braunche of slewthe.

To leue to do good.
That is to say to good thoughtes.
To good wordes.
And to good workes.
Seke to do euyll.
By the concupyssens of the flesshe.
The concupyssence of his iyen.
And to lyue prowdly
Not to resyste to do euyll.
For loue that they haue to euyll.
For dyspyte that they haue to good.
For neclygence of them selfe.

The .xv. braunche of slewthe.

In Idell thynges.
To expose them selfe to vanytes.
To drawe not them selfe fro vanytes.
wyllynge to abyde in vanytes.
In thynges delectabyll.
For they be euyll & plesaunte.
A bydynge be longe spase and tyme.
whan thy wyll is prouoked.
In wycked thīges.
Howe falsely thou may hurte.
Or greuously hender.
Or to do harme more at length.

The .xvi. braunche of slewthe.

Emplessynge to do good
Consentyng to thēt hat be euyll
By malys for to plese them.
For hatrede that they haue to good.
For hatrede of good that they may do.
Truste not thē that be goode.
whan they may not profyte wtout they helpe thē
there where they be in perrell.
There where they falle without helpe or socoure
To hurte them that be good.
Or by hym selfe
Or by other persons
Or holde fro them that they owe them.

The .xvii. braunche of slewthe.

In vayne thynges.
In beholdynge the pepell to fythe by vanyte.
Gyuynge ther yes to beholde any vanyte.
Beynge in company of moche people & publyke
In wantone thynges.
In Iustes of the body.
In lyghtnes of corage.
By forse of syngynge or cryenge.
In folisshe gladnes.
By ouer moche and longe laffynge.
To be without payne whan they sholde morne.
To prouoke other to laffynge.


The fyrste braūche of couetyse.

Solysytude of thought.
Besynes of thoughte.
To lese the spirytuall goodes for the tēporalles.
To be neclyēt to the spūall & not to ye tēporall
To dysprayse ye goodes of ye soule for ye body.
Hope to wynne without commynge.
To holde with charge noysome thynges.
To procure ye goodes of other to haue profyte.
wyllynge to haue profyte for there besynes.
That may not drawe thē fro it
To aquyre tēporall goodes by grete delectaciōs
To be boūde in loue to haue temporall goodes.
Or to impute them selfe more than they maye.

The .ii. braunche of couetyse.

To take with strenth ye goodes of other.
Of theyr subgettys or seruauntes lesse thē selfe.
To theyr ennemyes by any maner way.
To theyr neyboure by any subtyll way.
To do vyolēce or requeste.
To theyr subyectes or other of tēporall goodes.
Or suche lyke for specyall thynges by bostynge.
Or in spūall thynges makynge promysses.
By subyeccyon and hope.
Makynge induly without right or resone.
Or that before they were costomyd to do it
Or that they be made by forse of boystyngis

The .iii. braunche of couetyse.

By couenaūte made.
whan any selles the derer by cause of abydynge
To lende money in hope to haue auauntage.
For that they lende it & doth a byde for it.
Couenaūte made hauing hope
Or that they leue not to thē yt they receyuyd.
Or by synes they know yt they shall wynne.
Or whan any receyues or lenes to haue bn̄fices.
To selle for more to the whiche yt thou mai not be sone payde.
As ar hesurers that lenes openly.
Or haue hope of wynnynge of that at they selle.
Or by custome to sell so.

The .iiii. braunche of couetyse.

To with holde det.
Denyenge thē
Det that thou knowest well yt thou doste owe.
Or that det that thou haste for goten.
Or it that is lyghtly knowen that thou owe
Or robbynge them
Hauynge hope to gyue in any tyme.
without wyll to gyue it though thou maye.
yf thou may not gyue it & desyre no marcy.
Or suche dettes be forgoten.
The whiche wolde pay it yf thou desyred
To holde frothe childer yt theyr frēdes gaue thē
Hold wyttyngly it yt they know to whō it lōge


The fyfte braūche of couetyse.

To haue nought.
To take & hold the dedys gode
By strengthe or vyolence to take it to them selfe
By fraude or to cause other to lye.
Say that they hold thē vnder coloure of frēshep
Dyffare to gyue them.
They to the tyme that they may profyte.
Or that by any way they may abyde.
Or geuynge them that they haue profyte by.
Lende them to others.
That by suche lyuynge they may be recūpensed.
By curyosyte lende it that is nat theyrs.
By ambusyon say that it is theyrs & is nat.

The vj. braunche of couetyse.

the thīges yt is cōmitted
to sell spūall thīges for lāguas.
To pepyll aduulterers by theyr flaterynge
To geue profyte to vnworthy people.
For wordes that is to other yll sayde.
to sell spūall thīges for pryce.
And to take or suche thynges be comon
Puttynge the answere for the whiche is nought
Or takyn after that it be comon
to sell spūall thīges for prayers
Somtymes do with mannasynge
Or somtymes with promes
And somtyme with vyolens & strength.

The vii. braunche of couetyse.

A holy thynge in a place nat halowed
The goodes of the churche taken in the churche
To holde the dymes or thynges of the churche
To take the goodes of the churche vndeserued
A thynge nat halowed ī place halowed.
To take the churches goodes where any is
Vnworthely to gyue the goodes of the churche.
Or a lay man say that it apertyneth to hym
A holy thynge ī a place sacred.
what so euer it be that longeth to the churche.
All goodes for suerty put in the churche.
Thynges as casueltyes to them alowed.

The viij. braunche of couetyse.

To be a thefe
To robe other without it be ageyn gyuen
For he that robbeth dothe damage
Or that thou doste it of thy propre malys
Or for thy symplenes or ignorans.
To haue others goodes & hyde them.
Or for to holde more peasyble
For drede to be punysshed
Bycause thou wolde cōtynue in that synne
Consentinge to theues
For suche stelynge pleases the
For thou haste profyte by theft that is done
Or for thou dredest hym that hathe done theft


The ix. braunche of couetys.

To take gyftes.
One relygyous of goodes of his relygyon.
To haue without vnderstandynge of theyr ≼lat
Or to the cōsētmēt of the bisshope yt perteneth nat
Or it that they haue by lysēs ouermoche apropred
men or wymen maryed
whā one hathe goodes wtout theyr vnderstādig
Or that some gyueth to moche to theyr kynne.
whā any spēdeth his comō goodes in his pouerte
Of the patrimō of the crusyfyx.
Takynge more than is nedefull
Vnworthely & it that they ought nat to gyue thē
In euyll vsage to spende them.

The x. braunche of couetys.

Therto that they may noy
For to do hurte one to other.
And accuse other wrongefully.
Or any tyme accusynge thē for rightuēs causes
For causes dyshonest.
Or for to do treason or falsenes.
For to do fylth or vn honest thynges.
Or thynges of the contrary partyes.
For to Iuge wrongefully.
There to do his thynges pertyculer.
To Iuge hym wronge that hathe ryght.
To dyffer to do right to hym that aperteyneth it

The xi. braunche of couetys.

To haue to moche good
to acquere ouer moche
By vyolens done for syluer or for frendes
Or for hucker vnrightfully acquered.
Or by fraude & dysseyuynge acquered.
To morne whā they may nat gager.
Therto that they be more honoured & douted
Or to haue the better theyr pleasure.
Or to haue more possessyons than other.
Holde ouermoche.
For drede to haue faute of gode
For to delyte them selfe in ryches.
For to fere to haue nede in age.

The xij. braunche of couetys.

To spekeh abundauntly
Thīges rightuously acquered
They sel nat to whōe they gyue but vndiscretly
And gyuynge vnordynatly thyr goodes.
Abbusīge folysshe vsīge that they vnderstāde well
Thīges vnrightuously required.
Holdynge them agaynst theyr consyens
Kepynge them to theyr synguler vsynge
Geuynge almes of theft & hucker.
Thynges that is owed.
Spendynge them in theyr folysshe lustys.
Or holdynge them to the vsage of other.
Kepīge to moche to ye vsage of which they ar nat.


The xiij. braunche of couetyse.

cōmynge aboute
By promes therto that they may receyue.
By axynge suche lyke.
Or by swete wordes
beinge doubill
To shewe fayre sēblaūt to haue of others gode.
Or by suche semblaunt to shame other
Or by colour to hurte or noy other.
euyll countīge
To shewe that they byleueth is theyr frende.
To hym that they knowe well is theyr ennemy.
Or indyfferently to frende or ennemy

The xiiij. braunche of couetyse.

Euyll countynge.
Bad rekenīge
Of it that they owe to other ryghtfully.
Of it that is owynge any maner of wayes
Be it of his owne to other than to hymselfe
whan they vnderstande nat Or can nat.
For drede to gyue it or to be notyd
For shame that they haue to do it.
For couetyse & loue of holdynge.
Nat to consent to do it.
To holde theyr peas of that they knowe.
Do and helpe hym that myscounteth it
wyllynge to hurte hym that is myscounted.

The xv. braūche of Couetyse.

For ioye.
For couetyse to dysplease hym.
For pleasure that they haue to lye.
Lygtely to swere of it that they knowe nat
For to cause other to wynne.
Couerynge it with noyous & profyteth nat.
Some tyme it is for temporall godes.
Some tyme to preuayle some persone.
That sometyme profyteth and somtyme noyeth
to hynder other pryuely.
In the techynge and promes of relygyon.

The xvj. braunche of couetyse.

the membres of god
Disprayes god or hys sayntys
For to shewe them selfe wode.
Or that they take solas swerynge by god.
Oft tymes
By euyll costome oft tymes swerynge.
By plesure that they take to swere greatly.
By dysplesure that they take to swere greatly.
Beholde nat the peryll of swerynge.
Doynge yll to appayre them that hereth them.
To swere vaynly and nat in tyme of nede.


The xvii. braunche of couetys.

By wordes
greuosly to trobyll and disceyue.
Vnwysely of it that they knowe nat
wyttingely of that they knowe nat.
By īter putige of them selfe
Receyuīge any of the sacramētis of the churche
In suche thinges that are nat lefesome.
Or in thinges that are lefesome.
by towchīge of holy thinges
Sweringe falsely wyllynge to disceyue.
Swerynge faythfully wyllynge to swere false
That swerīge false make sōe beleue it faithfully

The xviii. braunche of couetys

False wytnesse
the thinge that they know nat
To bere wytnes of that that they knowe nat
To wytnes that that they mys knowe
dissembyll to mysknowe that it that they kenne
whiche are perclous
For the preys that they haue or shulde haue
For frendshepe of hī the which they bere witnes
For malys that they wyll nat say trouthe.
to the persōs whche aperteyneth nat
For the false openyone yt they haue of that thīge
Say the thinge is faithfull that they knowe nat
Or they seke nat to vnderstōde & may well

The xix. braunche of couetys.

which are forbodone
As playes done by wytche craftes
Disonest prouokynge
Or the whiche may gretely noy.
whiche are perclous
For pleasure of himselfe or pleasure of other
By custome to do suche playes
Or haue truste to haue wynnynge to do it
to ye persōs that aperteyneth not
A lewde man to play with a religious
Or a lewde man with preste or clerke
Or with one man of penanse.

The xx. braunche of couetys

To be vacabounde
For to acquere
Faynynge themselfe seke and be nat
To do suche fantasyes without necessyte.
To cause other to be sory for them and rede nat
for to be Idel
Eft wyse they that laborethe or trauellyth
whan they shulde worke/ fayne them dyseased.
Or to shewe them more lyke than they are
for to obtēper theyr ill wyll
And holdynge sharpe thynges to sustayne
Disceyue by faynynge wordes or by enuy
Or byleuynge to lyue without hurte.


The first braunche of glotony.

To seke dylycate metys
For gode sauor
Ageyne the profyte of the soule.
Agayne the helthe of the body
Agayne the profyte of one or other to gyder.
For nouelte
For thynges that be dilysyous.
To ete fruyte by cause it is gode & rype.
For composycyons of the cōdycyons required
In sondry
By costome to ete so
By lyghtnes to be ouerhabūdāt wtout necessyte
By affectyon & plesaunce of it that they take.

The seconde braunche of glotony.

Delycyous ī the mouth
Mete ouer dere that longeth not for them.
Les mete than where they are requyred.
Mete resonable & be nat contente.
Ouer moche delytynge
To be ouer besy to fyll theyr bely.
To lytell to sarue god & moche the wombe
Or oft etynge & nat kepynge theyr houre
Ouer moche fyllynge themselfe
As they may to desyre the best mete.
whan they haue ete not to be content.
Ne gyue to the pore of the mete that they haue

The .iii. braunche of glotony.

To desyre dylycatly.
By sondry maners
For to satysfye all theyr desyres
Nat refuse by no waye thynge that they desyre.
And nat to refuse none yll appetyte.
Or exquyred.
Or do that that other dothe nat.
By study howe they may haue theyr lust.
By labour & payne that they take for it
Neuer content what so euer they haue.
Delycyous for the swete sauoures.
Nat wysely beholdynge what it dothe cost

The iiij. braunche of glotony.

Ete withouten houre.
At tyme that they shulde nat
Byfore the laufull houre without nede.
Or after whan the laufull is paste.
Or what houre it be without cōmaūdement.
Or to offence
what thynge thou desyrest to ete.
Closely to kepe it that other knowe it nat
Or secretly that thou only byleueth.
and vnlawfully
In the tyme of fastynge to ete flesshe
In places as to ete in the churche.
As to ete the mete that is forbede.


The v. braunche of glotony

To make exces
In quantite of metis
To ete more than the body hath nede
To ete it that hurteth bothe body and soule
Vnder coloure of sekenesse
In our dere metis
Care nat of the coste so it be swete
Thynkynge that it is no synne
Dysprayes the metys of small pryce
vsynge other mennis tabyls
By gloteny and frawdes
By company and greate drynkynge.
To fulfyll theyr foule appetyte

The fyrste braunche of lechery

with women maryed or wydowes
Or with any mayde that is a virgyne
Or comenne women that are corrupte
whā man hath cōpany with other thā his wyfe
Or womē hauīge cōpany wt other thā hir spouse
Or that they be bothe in maryage
Or with women of theyr lynage
with man or woman of theyr affenyte
Or that the one parte be of relygyon

The ii. braunche of lechery

Of thought
Longe delectacyon of thought of lechery
To gyue concentinge to suche pleasure
To īforse hī selfe to fulfyll his thought by warke
Of dede
By poluciōe at night ouer miche etīge or drīkīge
By restynge in the company of women
Euyll thought to fulfyll suche warke
Or of bothe to gedyr
To moue or touche the flesshe by delytynge
To fulfyll warke and of the wyll naturally
Or ony vyce not naturally

The iii. braunche of lechery

In gyuinge nat the det
For hatrede
whā they loue other that they ought not to loue
whā they knowe they are nat loued on theyr ∥ty
Or they are dispytefull and regorous
For to shewe trauelynge
For they drede laboure and trauell
For drede to haue pouerte
For drede that they sholde nat haue pleasure
For abbomynacion
Abomynacyone of it that they haue costomyde
Or for vnclennes of the warke
wha any disprayseth ye cōpany of other ∥ty


The iiii. braunche of lechery

to abuse theyr v. wittys
to put thē selfe in perell
Some tyme for cause of some persones.
Other tymes for dangeour of places.
And other seasons for reason of tyme.
to drawe them nat from it
Of the warke that they knowe is bade
Or of perell whan they knowe it is daungerouse.
And for they be prouokyd in suche perell
Delitynge thēselfe
In the operacyon of the flesshe.
Or to haue desyre and wyll to fulfyll it
Or in thought & mynde to haue done it.

The v. braunche of lechery

In clothynge
In iewels rynges singnettis and ouches
In precyousnesse of gownes gyrdels and bedis
In takynge of fassyons newe brought vp.
In delyte
By wantonnes of chylderne to be mery
By dilectacyon of the bodyes takīge theyr ease.
In doynge all that the harte desyres
In dispense
Spendynge largely for louynge of the worlde
Gyue where they ought nat.
Nat to kepe them fro pleasure nor cause other
Here endeth the braunches of all the vij. dedely synnes as they be afore rehersed. with all the smale braunches/ Also shewynge howe that thre cometh of the great braunches eche by himself. And out of them thre groweth nyne & so forth. There is no man nor woman lyuynge but he synnes venyally/ as it is wryten [Septies in die cadet iustus] Lo if the right wyse men do syn vii tymes a daye by venyall synne/ Than we wretched synners howe oft do we synne in one daye. God wote full oft/ but yet for venyall synne is many remedyes/ as holy water & holy brede/ & blessynge of a bysshope/ & many other remedyes/ also as for dedly synne there is but few remedyes. But the fyrst is thou must be sory for that that thou hast done. The seconde is to have meke cōcessyon. The thyrde is penaunce done wyth gode wyll/ and neuer haue purpose to synne more. For penauns is dette that we must pay to god for our syn doynge/ and loke neuer that god shall forgyue thy synne without penauns/ or ellys to be delyuered by pardon of holy churche/ which helpeth greatly/ so he synne nat in hope of fame/ For if that ye synne in hope of the sayde pardon it standeth hym to none effect/ for he was as gode as vn confessed. Also syn is very perylous/ for thre causes. The fyrst he gyueth no warning Secōde loke as god fyndeth the so he wyll iuge the. The thyrde whan thou art dede remedy is paste.