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Hary's Wallace

(vita nobilissimi defensoris scotie Wilelmi Wallace militis): Edited by Matthew P. McDiarmid

expand sectionI, II. 



Fywe monethis thus Scotland stud in gud rest.
A consell cryit, thaim thocht it wes the best
In Sanct Ihonstoun at it suld haldyn be.
Assemblit thar clerk, barown and bowrugie,
Bot Corspatrik wald nocht cum at thar call,
Baid in Dunbar and maid scorn at thaim all.
Thai spak off him feill wordis in that parlyment.
Than Wallace said: “Will ȝe her-to consent,
For-gyff him fre all thing that is bypast
Sa he will cum and grant he has trespast,
Fra this tyme furth kepe lawta till our croun?”
Thai grant tharto, clerk, burges and barroun,
With haill consent that writyng till him send.
Richt lawly thus till him thai thaim commend,
Besocht him fair as a peyr off the land
To cum and tak sum gouernaill on hand.
Lychtly he lowch, in scorn as it had beyn,
And said he had sic message seyldyn seyne:
“That Wallace now as gouernowr sall ryng,
Her is gret faute off a gud prince or kyng.
That king off Kyll I can nocht wndirstand.
Off him I held neuir a fur off land.
That bachiller trowis, for fortoun schawis hyr quhell
Thar-with to lest. It sall nocht lang be weill.
Bot to ȝow lordis, and ȝe will wndirstand,
I mak ȝow wys, I aw to mak na band.
Als fre I am in this regioun to ryng
Lord off myn awne, as euir was prince or king.
In Ingland als gret part off land I haiff;


Manrent tharoff thar will no man me craiff.
Quhat will ȝe mar? I warne ȝow I am fre.
For ȝour somoundis ȝe get no mar off me.”
Till Saynct Ihonstone this wryt he send agayne,
Befor the lordis was manifest in playne.
Quhen Wallace herd the erll sic ansuer mais
A gret hate Ire throu curage than he tais;
For weyll he wyst thar suld be bot a king
Off this regioun at-anys for to ryng;
A ‘king off Kyll’ for that he callyt Wallace.
“Lordis,” he said, “this is ane wncouth cace.
Be he sufferyt we haiff war than it was.”
Thus rais he wp and maid him for to pas:
“God has ws tholyt to do so for the laiff.
In lyff or dede in faith him sall we haiff,
Or ger him grant quhom he haldis for his lord,
Or ellis war schaym in story to racord.
I wow to god with eys he sall nocht be
In-to this Realm bot ane off ws sall de,
Les than he cum and knaw his rychtwis king!
In this regioun weill bathe we sall nocht ryng.
His lychtly scorn he sall rapent full sor,
Bot power faill or I sall end tharfor,
Sen in this erd is ordand me no rest.
Now god be Iuge, the rycht he kennys best.”
At that consaill langar he taryt nocht,
With ii hundreth fra Sanct Ihonston he socht;
To the consaill maid Insians or he ȝeid,
Thai suld conteyn and off him haiff no dreid:
“I am bot ane and for gud caus I ga.”
Towart Kyngorn the gaynest way thai ta.
Apon the morn atour Forth south thai past.
On his wyage thai haistit wondyr fast.
Robert Lauder at Mussilburgh met Wallace.


Fra Inglismen he kepyt weill his place;
Couth nayne him trete, knycht, squier nor lord,
With king Eduuard to be at ane accord.
On Erll Patrik to pas he was full glaid;
Sum said befor the Bas he wald haiff haid.
Gude men come als with Crystell off Cetoun.
Than Wallace was four hundreth off renoun.
A squier Lyll, that weill that cuntre knew,
With xxty men to Wallace couth persew
Besyd Lyntoun, and to thaim tald he than
The Erll Patrik, with mony likly man,
At Coburns peth he had his gaderyng maid
And to Dunbar wald cum with-outyn baid.
Than Lawder said, “It war the best think me
Faster to pas, in Dunbar or he be.”
Wallace ansuerd, “We may at laysar ryd.
With ȝon power he thinkis bargane to bid;
And off a thing ȝe sall weill wndirstand,
A hardyar lord is nocht in-to Scotland.
Mycht he be maid trew, stedfast, till a king,
Be wit and force he can do mekill thing,
Bot willfully he likis to tyne him sell.”
Thus raid thai furth and wald na langar duell,
Be est Dunbar, quhar men him tald on cas
How erll Patrik was warnyt off Wallace,
Ner Enerweik chesyt a feild at waill
With ix hundreth off likly men to waill.
Four hundreth was with Wallace in the rycht
And sone onon approchit to thar sicht.
Gret fawte thar was off gud trety betweyn
To mak concord and that full sone was seyne.
With-out rahers off accioun in that tid
On athir part to-gydder fast thai rid.
The stour was strang and wondyr peralous,
Contenyt lang with dedis chewalrous.


Mony thar deit off cruell Scottis blud.
Off this trety the mater is nocht gud,
Tharfor I ces to tell the destruccioun.
Pete it was, and all off a nacioun.
Bot erll Patrik the feild left at the last;
Rycht few with him to Coburns peth thai past,
Agrewit sar that his men thus were tynt.
Wallace raturnd and wald no langar stynt
Towart Dunbar, quhar suthfast men him tald
Na purweance was left in-to that hald,
Nor men off fens, all had beyne with thar lord.
Quhen Wallace hard the sekyr trew record
Dunbar he tuk all haill at his bandown,
Gaiff it to kepe to Crystell off Cetoun,
Quhilk stuffit it weill with men and gud wictall.
Apon the morn Wallace, that wald nocht faill,
With iii hundreth to Coburns peth he socht.
Erll Patrik wschyt, for bid him wald he nocht.
Sone to the park Wallace a range has set.
Till Bonkill wood Corspatrik fled but let
And out off it till Noram passit he.
Quhen Wallace saw it mycht na bettir be
Till Caudstreym went and lugit him on Tweid.
Erll Patrik than in all haist can him speid
And passit by or Wallace power rais,
With-out restyng in Atrik forrest gais.
Wallace folowed bot he wald nocht assaill.
A rang to mak as than it mycht nocht waill;
Our few he had, the strenth was thik and strang,
Vii myill on breid and tharto twys so lang.
In-till Gorkhelm Erll Patrik leiffit at rest.
For mar power Wallace past in the west.
Erll Patrik than him graithit hastelye,
In Ingland past to get him thar supplye;
Out throuch the land rycht ernystfully couth pas


Till Anton Beik that lord of Durame was.
Wallace him put out off Glaskow befor
And slew Persye, thar malice was the mor.
The byschope Beik gert sone gret power rys,
Northummyrland apon ane awfull wys.
Than ordand Bruce in Scotland for to pas
To wyn his awne, bot ill dissauit he was;
Thai gert him trow that Wallace was rabell
And thocht to tak the kynryk to hym sel.
Full fals thai war and euir ȝeit has beyn.
Lawta and trouth was ay in Wallace seyn;
To fend the rycht all that he tuk on hand,
And thocht to bryng the Bruce fre till his land.
Off this mater as now I tary nocht.
With strang power Sotheroun to-gidder socht,
Fra Owys watter assemblit haill to Tweid.
Thar land ost was xxxty thousand in deid;
Off Tynnys mouth send schippis be the se
To kep Dunbar at nayne suld thaim supple.
Erll Patrik with xxty thousand but lett
Befor Dunbar a stalwart sege he sett.
The byschope Beik and Robert Bruce baid still
With x thousand at Noram at thar will.
Wallace be this, that fast was lauborand,
In Lothyane com witht gud men v thowsand,
Rycht weill beseyn, all in-to armys brycht,
Thocht to reskew the Cetoun bauld and wicht.
Undyr Ȝhester that fyrst nycht lugit he.
Hay com till him with a gud chewalre.
In Duns forest all that tyme he had beyne;
The cummyng thar off Sotheroun he had seyne.
L he had off besy men in wer.


Thai tald Wallace off Patrikis gret affer.
Hay said, “Forsuth and ȝe mycht him our-set
Power agayne rycht sone he mycht nocht get.
My consaill is that we giff him battaill.”
He thankit him off comfort and consaill
And said, “Freynd Hay, in this caus that I wend,
Sa that we wyn I rek nocht for till end.
Rycht suth it is that anys we mon de.
In-to the rycht quha suld in terrour be?”
Erll Patrik than a messynger gert pas,
Tald Anton Beik that Wallace cummand was.
Off this tithingis the byschope was full glaid,
Amendis off him full fayne he wald haiff haid.
Bot mar prolong throuch Lammermur thai raid.
Ner the Spot mur in buschement still he baid,
As erll Patrik thaim ordand for to be.
Wallace off Beik wnwarnyt than was he;
Ȝeit he befor was nocht haisty in deid,
Bot than he put bathe him and his in dreid.
Apon swyft horsis scurrouris past betweyn.
The cummyng than off Erll Patrik was seyn.
The hous he left and to the mur is gayn.
A playne feild thar with his ost he has tayn.
Gud Cetoun syne wschet with few menȝhe,
Part off his men in-till Dunbar left he,
To Wallace raid, was on the rychtwys sid.
In gud aray to the Spot mur thai ryd.
Sum Scottis dred, the Erll sa mony was,
Twenty thousand agayn sa few to pas.
Quhen Iop persauit, he bad Wallace suld bid:
“Tyne nocht thir men bot to sum strenth ȝe ryd
And I sall pas to get ȝow power mar.
Thir are our gud thus lychtly for to war.”
Than Wallace said, “In trewth I will nocht fle
For iii off his ay ane quhill I may be.


We are our ner sic purpos for to tak;
A danger chace thai mycht vpon ws mak.
Her is twenty with this power to-day
Wald him assay suppos I war away.
Mony thai ar; for goddis luff, be we strang
Ȝon Sotheron folk in stour will nocht bid lang.”
The brym battaill braithly on athir sid!
Gret rerd thar rais all sammyn quhar thai ryd.
The sayr semble quhen thai to-gidder met!
Feyll strakis thar sadly on athir set.
Punȝeand speris throuch plattis persit fast,
Mony off hors to the ground doun thai cast.
Saidlys thai teym off hors bot maistris thar.
Off the south sid v thousand doun thai bar.
Gud Wallace ost the formast kumraid sa
Quhill the laiff was in will away to ga.
Erll Patrik baid sa cruell off entent
At all his ost tuk off him hardiment.
Agayne Wallace in mony stour was he.
Wallace knew weill that his men wald nocht fle
For na power that leiffand was in lyff,
Quhill thai in heill mycht ay be ane for fyfe.
In that gret stryff mony was handlyt hate.
The feill dyntis, the cruell hard debait,
The fers steking, maid mony grewous wound,
Apon the erd the blud did till abound.
All Wallace ost in-till a cumpais baid;
Quhar sa thai turnd full gret slauchtyr thai maid.
Wallace and Grayme and Ramsay full worthi,
The bauld Cetoun and Richard off Lundy,
And Adam als Wallace off Ricardtoun,
Bathe Hay and Lyll with gud men off renoun,
Boyde, Bercla, Byrd and Lauder that was wycht,


Feill Inglismen derffly to ded thai dycht.
Bot erll Patrik full fersly faucht agayn.
Throuch his awin hand he put mony to payn.
Our men on him thrang forthwart in-to thra,
Maide throuch his ost feill sloppis to and fra.
The Inglismen began playnly to fle.
Than byschope Beik full sodeynly thai se,
And Robert Bruce contrar his natiff men.
Wallace was wa fra tyme he couth him ken.
Off Brucis deid he was agrewit far mar
Than all the laiff that day at semblit thar.
The gret buschement at anys brak on breid,
X thousand haill that douchty war in deid.
The flearis than with Erll Patrik relefd
To fecht agayn, quhar mony war myscheifd.
Quhen Wallace knew the buschement brokyn was,
Out off the feild on hors thai thocht to pas,
Bot he saw weill his ost sownd in thar weid.
He thocht to fray the formast or thai ȝeid.
The new cummyn ost befor thaim semblit thar,
On athir sid with strakis sad and sar.
The worthi Scottis sa fersly faucht agayne
Off Antonys men rycht mony haiff thai slayne;
Bot that terand so wsit was in wer
On Wallace ost thai did full mekill der,
And the bauld Bruce so cruelly wrocht he
Throuch strenth off hand feill Scottis he gert de.
To resist Bruce Wallace him pressit fast,
Bot Inglismen so thik betuixt thaim past;
And Erll Patrik in all the haist he moucht
Throuch-out the stour to Wallace sone he socht,
On the the-pes a felloun strak him gaiff,
Kerwit the plait with his scharp groundyn glaiff


Throuch all the stuff and woundyt him sumdeill.
Bot Wallace thocht he suld be wengit weill,
Folowed on him and a straik etlyt fast.
Than ane Mawthland rakless betwix thaim past.
Apon the heid gud Wallace has him tane,
Throuch hat and brawn in sondyr bryst the bane,
Dede at that straik doun to the ground him drawe.
Thus Wallace was disseuirit fra the lawe
Off hys gud men, amang thaim him allane.
About him socht feill Enemys mony ane;
Stekit his hors, to ground behufid him lycht
To fend him selff als wysly as he mycht.
The worthy Scottis that mycht no langar bid
With sair hartis out off the feild thai ryd.
With thaim in feyr thai wend Wallace had beyn.
On fute he was amang hys Enemys keyn,
And rowme he maid about him in-to breid
With his gud suerd that helpyt him in neid.
Was nayne sa strang that gat off him a strak
Eftir agayne maid neuir a Scot to waik.
Erll Patrik than, that had gret crafft in wer,
With speris ordand gud Wallace doun to ber.
A-new they tuk was haill in-to the feild,
Til him thai ȝeid, thocht he suld haiff no beild,
On athir sid fast poyntand at his ger.
He hewid off hedys and wysly coud him wer.
The worthy Scottis off this full litill wyst,
Socht to gud Graym quhen thai thar chyftane myst.
Lauder and Lyle and Hay that was full wicht
And bauld Ramsay quhilk was a worthy knycht,
Lundy and Boid and Crystell of Cetoun
With v hundreth that war in bargan boun,
Him to reskew full rudly in thai raid.
About Wallace a largë rowme thai maid.


The byschop Beik was braithly born till erd.
At the reskew thar was a glamrous rerd.
Or he gat wp full feill Sotheroun thai slew.
Out off the pres Wallace thai couth raskew,
Sone horsit him apon a coursour wicht,
Towart a strenth ridis in all thar mycht,
Rycht wysly fled, Reskewand mony man.
The Erll Patrik to stuff the chace began.
On the flearis litill harm than he wrocht.
Gud Wallace folk away to-giddyr socht.
Thir v hundreth the quhilk I spak off ayr
Sa awfully abawndownd thaim and sar
Na folowar durst out fra his falow ga,
The gud flearis sic raturnyng thai ma.
Iiii thousand haill had tane the strenth befor
Off Wallace ost, his comfort was the mor;
Off Glaskadane that forrest thocht till hauld.
Erll Patrik twrnd, thocht he was neuir sa bauld,
Agayne to Beik, quhen chapyt was Wallace,
Curssand fortoun off his myschansit cace.
The feild he wan and vii thowsand thai lost
Dede on that day for all the byschoppis bost.
Off Wallace men v hundreth war slayne I ges,
Bot na chyftayne, his murnyng was the les.
Ner ewyn it was bot Beik wald nocht abid.
In Lammermur thai tranuntyt that tid,
Thar lugyng tuk quhar him thocht maist awaill,
For weyll he trowit the Scottis wald assaill
Apon the feild quhar thai gaiff battaill last.
The contre men to Wallace gaderyt fast.
Off Edynburch wyth Crawfurd that was wicht
Thre hundreth come in-till thar armour brycht,
Till Wallace raid be his lugeyng was tayne.


Fra Tawydaill come gud men mony ane
Out off Iedwart with Ruwane at that tyd,
To-giddyr socht fra mony diuers sid.
Schir Wilȝham lang, that lord was off Douglas,
With him iiii scor that nycht come to Wallace.
Xxty hundreth off new men met that nycht
Apon thair fais to weng thaim at thair mycht.
At the fyrst feild thire gud men had nocht beyn.
Wallace wachis thair aduersouris had seyn,
In-to quhat wis thai had thair lugeyng maid.
Wallace bownyt eftir soupper but baid,
In Lammermur thai passit hastely.
Sone till aray ȝheid this gud chewalry.
Wallace thaim maid in twa partis to be.
Schir Ihon the Graym and Cetoun ordand he,
Lawder and Hay, with thre thousand to ryd;
Hym selff the layff tuk wysly for to gid,
With him Lundy, bathe Ramsay and Douglace,
Berkla and Boid and Adam gud Wallace.
Be this the day approchit wondyr neir
And brycht Titan in presens can apper.
The Scottis ostis sone semblit in-to sycht
Off thar Enemys, that was nocht redy dycht.
Owt off aray feill off the Sotheroun was.
Rycht aufully Wallace can on thaim pas.
At this entray the Scottis so weill thaim bar
Feill off thar fais to dede was bertnyt thar.
Redles thai rais and mony fled away.
Sum on the ground war smoryt quhar thai lay.
Gret noyis and cry was raissit thaim amang.
Gud Grayme come in that stalwart was and strang.
For Wallace men was weill to-gyddyr met,
On the South part sa aufully thai set
In-contrar thaim the frayt folk mycht nocht stand.
At-anys thar fled off Sotheroun v thousand.


The worthi Scottis wrocht apon sic wys
Iop said hym selff thai war mekill to prys.
Ȝeit byschope Beik, that felloun tyrand strang,
Baid in the stour rycht awfully and lang.
A knycht Skelton that cruell was and keyn
Befor him stud in-till his armour scheyn.
To fend his lord full worthely he wrocht.
Lundy him saw and sadly on him socht,
With his gud suerd ane aukwart straik him gaiff,
Throuch pesan stuff his crag in sondyr draiff,
Quhar-off the layff astunyt in that sted.
The bauld Skelton off Lundyis hand is dede.
Than fled thai all and mycht no langar bid.
Patrik and Beik away with Bruce thai ryd.
V thousand held in-till a slop away
Till Noram hous in all the haist thai may.
Our men folowed, that worthi war and wicht.
Mony flear derffly to dede thai dycht.
The iii lordis on to the castell socht.
Full feill thai left that was off Ingland brocht.
At this Iornay xxty thousand thai tynt,
Drownyt and slayn be sper and suerdis dynt.
The Scottis at Tweid than hastyt thaim sa fast
Feill Sotheroun men in-to wrang furdis past.
Wallace raturnd, in Noram quhen thai war.
For worthi Bruce his hart was wondyr sar;
He had leuer haiff had him at his large,
Fre till our croun, than off fyne gold to carge
Mar than in Troy was fund at Grekis wan.
Wallace than passit with mony aufull man
On Patrikis land and waistit wondyr fast,
Tuk out gudis and placis doun thai cast.


His stedis vii that mete hamys was cauld,
Wallace gert brek thai burly byggyngis bauld,
Baithe in the Mers and als in Lothiane.
Except Dunbar standand he lewit nane.
Till Edynburgh apon the auchtand day,
Apon the morn, Wallace with-out delay
Till Pert he passit quhar the consell was set.
To the barrowns he schawit with-outyn let
How his gret wow rycht weill eschewyt was.
Till a maister he gert Erll Patrik pas
Becaus he said off Scotland he held nocht.
Till king Eduuard to get supple he socht.
The lordis war blyth and welcummyt weill Wallas,
Thankand gret God off this fair happy chas.
Wallace tuk state to gowern all Scotland.
The barnage haill maid him ane oppyn band.
Than delt he land till gud men him about,
For Scotlandis rycht had set thar lyff in dout.
Stantoun he gaiff to Lauder in his wage;
The knycht Wallang aucht it in heretage.
Than Birgeme cruk he gaiff Lyle that was wicht.
Till Scrymgeour als full gud reward he dycht,
Syne Wallace-toun and othir landis thar-till.
To worthi men he delt with nobill will.
Till his awne kyn heretage nayne gaiff he
Bot office haill, at euerilk man mycht se
For cowatice thar couth no wicht him blayme.
He baid reward quhill the king suld cum hayme.
Off all he dyd he thocht to bid the law
Befor his king, master quhen he him saw.
Scotland was blyth, in dolour had beyne lang.
In Ilka part to gud laubour thai gang.
Be this the tyme off October was past;
Ner Nouember approchit wondyr fast.


Tithandis than come, king Eduuard grewit was,
With his power in Scotland thocht to pas,
For Erll Patrik had gyffyn hym sic consaill.
Wallace gat wit and semblit power haill.
Xl thousand on Roslyn mur thar met.
“Lordis,” he said, “thus is King Eduuard set
In-contrar rycht to sek ws in our land.
I hecht to god and to ȝow be my hand,
I sall him meit for all his gret barnage
With-in Ingland to fend our heretage.
His fals desyr sall on him selff be seyn.
He sall ws fynd in-contrar off his Eyn.
Sen he with wrang has ryddyn this regioun
We sall pas now in-contrar off his crown.
I will nocht bid gret lordis with ws fayr,
For myn entent I will playnly declar,
Our purpos is othir to wyn or de.
Quha ȝeildis him sall neuir ransownd be.”
The barrons than him ansuerd worthely
And said thai wald pas with thar chewalry.
Him selff and Iop prowidyt that menȝhe.
Xxty thousand off waillit men tuk he;
Harnes and hors he gert amang thaim waill,
Wapynnys enew at mycht thaim weill awaill,
Grathyt thar men that cruell wes and keyn.
Bettir in wer in warld coud nocht be seyn.
He bad the laiff on laubour for to bid.
In gud aray fra Roslyn mur thai ryd.
At thar muster gud Wallace couth thaim as
Quhat mysteryt ma in a power to pas:
“All off a will, as I trow set ar we,
In playne battaill can nocht weill scumfit be.
Our rewme is pur, waistit be Sotheroun blud.
Go wyn on thaim tresour and othir gud.”


The ost Inclynd all in-till humyll will
And said thai suld his commandment fulfill.
The Erll Malcome with thir gud men is gayne,
Bot nayme off rewill on him he wald tak nayne.
Wallace him knew a lord and full worthi.
At his consaill he wrocht full stedfastly.
Starkar he was gyff thai suld battaill seyn,
For he befor had in gud Iornays beyn.
A man off strenth that has gud wit with-all
A haill regioune may comfort at his call,
As manly Ectour wrocht in-till his wer;
Agayn a hundreth cowntyt was his sper,
Bot that was nocht throuch his strenth anerly,
Sic rewill he led off worthi chewalry.
Thir ensampyllis war noble for to ken.
Ectour I leiff and spek furth off our men.
The knycht Cambell maid hime to that wiage,
Off Louchow cheiff that was his heretage.
The gud Ramsay furth to that Iornay went.
Schir Ihone the Grayme forthwart in his entent,
Wallace cusyng Adam, full worthi was,
And Robert Boid, full blythly furth thai pas;
Baith Awchynlek and Richard off Lundy,
Lawder and Hay and Cetoun full worthy.
This Ryall ost but restyng furth thai rid
Till Browis feild and thar a quhill thai bid.
Than Wallace tuk with him xl but les,
Till Roxburgh ȝett raid sone or he wald ces.
Sotheroun merueld giff it suld be Wallace,
With-out souerance come to persew that place.
Off Schyr Rawff Gray sone presence couth he as
And warnd him thus forthwart he wald pas:
“Our purpos is in Ingland for to ryd.


No teyme we haiff off segyn now to bid.
Tak tent and her off our cummyng agayne.
Gyff our the hous, send me the keyis in playn.
Thus I commaund befor this witnes large;
Gyff thow will nocht, ramayne with all the charge.
Bot this be done, throuch force and I tak the
Out our the wall thow sall be hyngit hye.”
With that he turnd and till his ost can wend.
This Ilk commaund to Berweik sone he send
With gud Ramsay that was a worthi knycht.
The ost but mar full awfully he dycht,
Began at Tweid and spard nocht at thai fand,
Bot brynt befor throuch all Northummyrland.
All Duram toun thai brynt wp in a gleid.
Abbays thai spard and kyrkis quhar thai ȝeid.
To Ȝork thai went but baid or thai wald blyn.
To byrn and sla off thaim he had na syne.
Na syn thai thocht, the sammyn thai leit ws feill,
Bot Wilȝam Wallace quyt our quarell weill.
Fortrace thai wan and small castellis kest doun,
With aspre wapynnys payit thar ransoune.
Off presonaris thai likit nocht to kep.
Quhom thai our-tuk thai maid thar freyndis to wepe.
Thai sawft na Sotheroun for thar gret Riches;
Off sic koffre he callit bot wretchitnes.
On to the ȝettis and Faboris off the toun
Braithly thai brynt and brak thar byggyngis doun;
At the wallys assayed xv dayis,
Till king Eduuard send to thaim in this wayis
A knycht, a clerk and a squier of pes,
And prayit him fayr off byrnyng for to ces,


And hecht battaill or xl dayis war past,
Souerance so lang gyff him likit till ast.
And als he sperd quhy Wallace tuk on hand
The felloun stryff in defens off Scotland,
And said he merweld on his wyt for-thy,
Agayn Inglande, was off so gret party:
“Sen ȝe haiff maid mekill off Scotland fre
It war gret tym for to lat malice be.”
Wallace has herd the message say thar will;
With manly wytt rycht thus he said thaim till:
“Ȝhe may knaw weill that rycht ynewch we haiff.
Off his souerance I kepe nocht for to craiff.
Becaus I am a natyff Scottis man
It is my dett to do all that I can
To fend our kynrik out off dangeryng.
Till his desyr we will grant to sum thing.
Our ost sall ces, for chans that may betid,
Thir xl dayis bargane for till bid.
We sall do nocht les than it mowe in ȝow.
In his respyt my selff couth neuir trow.”
King Eduuardis wrytt wndir his seill thai gaiff,
Be fourty dayis that thai suld battaill haiff.
Wallace thaim gaiff his credence off this thing.
Thair leyff thai tuk, syne passit to the king
And tauld him haill how Wallace leit thaim feill:
“Off ȝour souerance he rekis nocht adeill.
Sic rewllyt men, sa awfull off affer,
Ar nocht crystynyt than he ledis in wer.”
The king ansuerd and said, “It suld be kend,
It cummys off witt enemys to commend.
Thai ar to dreid rycht gretly in certane.
Sadly thai think off harmys thai haiff tane.”


Leyff I thaim thus at consell with thar king
And off the Scottis agayne to spek sum thing.
Wallace tranountyt on the secund day.
Fra Ȝork thai passyt rycht in a gud aray.
North-west thai past in battaill buskyt boun,
Thar lugeyng tuk besyd Northallyrtoun
And cryit his pes, thar merket for till stand
Thai fourty dayis for pepill off Ingland,
Quha that likyt ony wyctaill till sell.
Off all thar fer was mekill for to tell.
Schyr Rawff Rymunt, Captane off Maltoun was,
With gret power ordand be nycht to pas
On Wallace ost to mak sum Ieperte.
Feyll Scottis men that duelt in that cuntre
Wyst off this thing and gaderyt to Wallace.
Thai maid him wys off all that suttell cace.
Gud Lundy than till hym he callit thar
And Hew the Hay, off Louchowort was ayr,
With thre thousand that worthely had wrocht,
Syne prewaly out fra the ost he socht.
The men he tuk that come till hym off new
Gydys to be, for thai the contre knew.
The ost he maid in gud quyet to be.
A space fra thaim he buschyt prewale.
Schyr Rawff Rymunt with vii thousand com in
On Wallace ost a Ieperte to begyn.
The buschement brak or thai the ost come ner.
On Sotheroun men the worthi Scottis thai ster;
Thre thousand haill was braithly brocht to ground.
Iornay thai socht and sekyrly has found.
Schyr Rawff Rymunt was stekit on a sper,
Thre thousand slayn that worthi war in wer.
The Sotheroun wyst quhen thar chyftayn wes dede;
To Maltoun fast thai fled and left that sted.


Wallace folowed with his gud chewalry.
Amang Sotheroun thai entrit sodeynly,
Inglis and Scottis in-to the toun at anys.
Sotheroun men schot and braithly kest doun stanys.
Off thar awn men rycht feyll thair haiff thai slayn.
The Scottis about that war off mekill mayn
On grecis ran and cessyt all the toun.
Derffly to dede the Sotheroun was dongyn doun.
Gud Wallace thair has found full gret ryches,
Jowellis and gold, bathe wapynnys and harnes;
Spoulȝeid the toun off wyn and off wictaill,
Till his ost send with caryagis off gret waill.
Thre dayis still with-in the toun thai baid,
Syn brak doun werk that worthely was maid.
Wyffis and childer thai put owt off the toun.
Na man he sawft that was off that nacioun.
Quhen Scottis had tane to turss at thar desyr
Wallis thai brak, syn set the layff in fyr.
The temir werk thai brynt wp all in playn;
On the ferd day till his ost raid agayn;
Gert cast a dyk that mycht sum strynthyng be
To kepe the ost for sodeyn Ieperte.
Than Inglismen was rycht gretly agast.
Fra north and south in to thar king thai past,
At Pomfray lay and held a parlement.
To gyff battaill the lordis couth nocht consent
Les Wallace war off Scotland crownyt king.
Thar consaill fand it war a peralous thing,
For thocht thai wan thai wan bot as thai war,
And gyff thai tynt, Ingland for euirmar
A-payn war put in-to the Scottis hand;


And this decret thar wit amang thaim fand,
Gyff Wallace wald apon him tak the croun
To gyff battaill thai suld be redy boun.
The sammyn message till him thai send agayn
And thar entent thai tald him in-to playn.
Wallace thaim chargyt his presens till absent,
His consaill callyt and schawit thaim his entent.
He and his men desyrit battaill till haiff
Be ony wayis off Ingland our the laiff.
He said, “Fyrst, it war a our hie thing,
Agayne the faith to reyff my rychtwis king.
I am his man, born natiff of Scotland.
To wer the croun I will nocht tak on hand.
To fend the rewm it is my dett be skill.
Lat God abowe reward me as he will.”
Sum bad Wallace apon him tak the croun.
Wys men said, “Nay, it war bot derysioun
To croun him king but woice off the parlyment”;
For thai wyst nocht gyff Scotland wald consent.
Othir-sum said it was the wrangwis place.
Thus demyt thai on many diuers cace.
This knycht Cambell, off witt a worthi man,
As I said ayr was present with thaim than,
Herd and ansuerd quhen mony said thar will:
“This war the best, wald Wallace grant thar-till,
To croun him king solemply for a day,
To get ane end off all our lang delay.”
The gud Erll Malcome said that Wallace mycht
As for a day, in fens off Scotlandis rycht,
Thocht he refusyt it lestandly to ber,
Resawe the croun as in a fer off wer.
The pepill all till him gaiff thar consent.
Malcome off auld was lord off the parlyment.
Ȝeit Wallace tholyt and leit thaim say thar will.


Quhen thai had demyt be mony diuers skill
In his awn mynd he abhorryt with this thing.
The comouns cryit, “Mak Wallace crownyt king.”
Than smylyt he and said it suld nocht be:
“At termys schort, ȝe get no mar for me.
Wndyr colour we mon our ansuer mak,
Bot sic a thing I will nocht on me tak.
I suffer ȝow to say that it is sa.
It war a scorn the croun on me to ta.”
Thai wald nocht lat the message off Ingland
Cum thaim amang or thai suld wndirstand.
Twa knychtis passit to the message agayn,
Maid thaim to trow Wallace was crownyt in playn,
Gart thaim traist weill that this was suthfast thing.
Delyuerit thus thai passit to thar king,
To Pomfrait went and tald that thai had seyn
Wallace crownyt, quharoff the lordis was teyn,
In barrate wox in parlement quhar thai stud.
Than said thai all, “Thir tithingis ar nocht gud.
He did so weyll in-to thir tymys befor,
And now thar king he will do mekill mor.
A fortonyt man, no thing gois him agayn.
To geyff battaill we sall it rew apayn.”
And othir said, “And battaill will he haiff
Or stroy our land. Na tresour may ws saiff.
In his conquest, sen fyrst he coud begyn,
He sellis nocht bot takis at he may wyn.
For Inglismen he settis no doym bot ded.
Price off pennys may mak ws no ramed.”
Ane Wodstok said, “Ȝhe wyrk nocht as the wys,
Gyff that ȝe tak the awnter off supprice;
For thocht we wyn that ar in-till Ingland
The layff ar stark agaynys ws for to stand.
Be Wallace saiff, othir thai cownt bot small.


For-thi me think this war the best of all,
To kepe our strynth off castell and wall toun.
Swa sall we fend the fek off this regioun.
Thocht north be brynt, bettir off sufferans be
Than set all Ingland on a Ieperte.”
Thai grantyt all as Wodstok can thaim say,
And thus thai put the battaill on delay
And kest thaim haill for othir gouernance,
Agayn Wallace to wyrk sum ordinance.
Thus Wallace has in playn discumfyt haill
Agayn king Eduuard all his strang battaill;
For throcht falsheid and thar subtilite
Thai thocht he suld, for gret necessite
And faute off fude, to steyll out off the land.
And this decret thar wytt amang thaim fand:
Thai gert the king cry all thar merket doun
Fra Trent to Tweid off throchtfayr and fre toun;
That in thai boundis na men suld wictaill leid,
Sic stuff nor wyn, on na les payn bot deid.
This Ilk decret thai gaiff in thar parlement.
Off Scottis furth to spek is myn entent.
Wallace lay still quhill xl dayis was gayn
And fyve atour, bot perance saw he nayn
Battaill till haiff, as thair promys was maid.
He gert display agayne his baner braid,
Repreiffyt Eduuard rycht gretlye off this thing,
Bawchillyt his seyll, blew out on that fals king,
As a tyrand turnd bak and tuk his gait.
Than Wallace maid full mony byggyng hayt.
Thai rayssyt fyr, brynt wp Northallyrtoun,
Agayn throcht Ȝorkschyr bauldly maid thaim boun,


Dystroyed the land als fer as euir thai rid.
Sewyn myle about thai brynt on athir sid.
Palyce thai spylt, gret towris can confound,
Wrocht the Sotheroun mony werkand wound.
Wedowis wepyt with sorow in thar sang.
Madennys murnyt with gret menyng amang.
Thai sparyt nocht bot wemen and the kyrk.
Thir worthy Scottis off laubour wald nocht yrk.
Abbayis gaiff thaim rycht largly to thar fud.
Till all kyrk man thai did no thing bot gud.
The temperall land thai spoulȝeit at thar will.
Gud gardens gay and orchartis gret thai spill.
To Ȝork thai went, thir wermen off renoun;
A sege thai set rycht sadly to the toun.
For gret defens thai garnest thaim within.
A felloun salt with-out thai can begyn,
Gert woid the ost in four partis about,
With wachys feyll that no man suld wsche out.
Abowne the toun apon the southpart sid
Thar Wallace wald and gud Lundy abid.
Erll Malcom syne at the west ȝett abaid,
With him the Boid that gud Iornays had maid.
The knycht Cambell, off Louchow that was lord,
At the north ȝett, and Ramsay, maid thaim ford.
Schyr Ihon the Graym that worthy was in wer,
Awchinlek, Crawfurd, with full manlik affer
At the est part bauldly thai bowne to bid.
A thousand archaris apon the Scottis sid
Disseueryt thaim amang the iiii party.
Fyve thousand bowemen in the toun forthi
With-in the wallis arayit thaim full rycht.
Xii thousand and ma that sembly was to sycht.
Than said Wallace, “War ȝone apon a playn,


In feild to fecht me think we suld be bayn.”
Than sailȝeit thai rycht fast on Ilka sid,
The worthy Scottis that bauldly durst abid.
With sper and scheild, for gownnys had thai nayn,
With-in the dykys thai gert feill Sotheroun grayn.
Arowys thai schot als fers as ony fyr
Atour the wall, that flawmyt in gret Ire.
Throuch byrneis brycht, with hedys fyn off steyll.
The Sotheroun blud thai leyt no frendschip feyll;
Our schefferand harnes schot the blud so scheyn.
The Inglismen that cruell was and keyn
Kepyt thar toun and fendyt thaim full fast.
Fagaldys off fyr amang the ost thai cast.
Wp pyk and ter on feyll sowys thai lent.
Mony was hurt or thai fra wallys went.
Stanys off spryngaldis thai cast out so fast
And gaddys off Irne, maid mony goym agast.
Bot neuir-the-les the Scottis that was with-out,
The toun full oft thai set in-to gret dout,
Thar bulwerkis brynt rycht brymly off the toun,
Thar barmkyn wan and gret gerrettis kest doun.
Thus sailȝeit thai on Ilk sid with gret mycht.
The day was gayn and cummyn was the nycht;
The wery ost than drew thaim fra the toun,
Set owt wachis, for restyng maid thaim boun,
Wysche woundis with wyn off thaim that was wnsound.
For nayn wes dede in gret myrth thai abound.
Feyll men was hurt bot na murnyng thai maid,
Confermyt the sege and stedfastly abaid.
Quhen that the son on morow rais wp brycht,
Befor the chyftanys semblyt thai full rycht
And mendis thocht off the toun thai suld tak,


For all the fens that the Sotheroun mycht mak.
Arayit agayn as thai began a-for,
About the toun thai sailȝe wondyr sor,
With felloun schot atour the wall so scheyn.
Feill Inglismen that cruell was and keyn
With schot was slayn for all thar targis strang.
Byrstyt helmys, mony to erd thai dang.
Brycht byrnand fyr thai kest till euirilk ȝet.
The entres thus in perall oft thai set.
The defendouris, was off so fell defens,
Kepyt thar toun with strenth and excellens.
And thus the day thai dryff on to the nycht.
To palȝounnys bownyt mony wery wycht,
All yrk off wer; the toun was strang to wyn,
Off artailȝe and nobill men with gyn.
Quhen that thai trowyt the Scottis was all at rest
For ieperte the Inglismen thaim kest.
Schyr Ihon Nowrtoun, was knawyn worthy and wycht,
Schyr Wilȝham off Leis, graithit thaim that nycht
With v thowsand welle garnest and sawage.
Apon the Scottis thai thocht to mak scrymmage,
And at the ȝet wschyt owt haistely
On Erll Malcom and his gud chewalry.
To chak the wache Wallace and x had beyn
Rydand about and has thar cummyng seyn.
He gert ane blaw, was in his cumpany.
The redy men arayit thaim hastely.
Feill off the Scottis ilk nycht in harnes baid
Be ordinance, for thai sic rewll had maid.
With schort awys to-gyddyr ar thai went
Apon thair fais, quhar feill Sotheroun was schent.
Wallace knew weill the Erll to haisty was,
For-thi he sped him to the pres to pas.


A suerd off wer in-till his hand he bar.
The fyrst he hyt the crag in sondyr schar
And othir awkwart apon the face tuk he,
Wysar and frount bathe in the feild gert fle.
The hardy Erll before his men furth past
In-to the pres quhar feill war fechtand fast,
A scherand suerd bar drawyn in his hand.
The fyrst was fey that he befor him fand.
Quhen Wallace and he was to-gidder set
Thayr lestyt nayn agayn thaim that thai met,
Bot othir dede or ellis fled thaim fray.
Be this the ost all in a gud aray
With the gret scry assemblit thaim about.
Than stud the Sotheroun in a felloun dout.
Wallace knew weill the Inglismen wald fle,
For-thi he preyst in the thikkest to be,
Hewand full fast on quhat sege that he socht.
Agaynys hys dynt fyn steyll awailȝeit nocht.
Wallace off hand sen Arthour had na mak;
Quhom he hyt rycht was ay dede off a strak.
That was weyll knawin in mony place, and thar
Quhom Wallace hyt he deryt the Scottis no mar.
Als all his men did cruelly and weyll
At com to strak—that mycht the Sotheroun feill!
The Inglismen fled and left the feild playnly,
The worthy Scottis wrocht so hardely.
Schyr Ihon off Nourtoun in that place was dede
And xii hundreth with-outyn ony ramede.
Thir mony was left in-to the feild and slayn.
The layff raturnyt in-to the toun agayn
And rwyt full sar that euyr thai furth coud found.
Amang thaim was full mony werkand wound.
The ost agayn ilkane to thar ward raid,


Comaundyt wachis and no mayr noyis maid,
Bot restyt still quhill that the brycht day dew,
Agayne began the toun to sailȝe new.
All thus thai wrocht with full gud worthines,
Assailȝeit sayr with witt and hardines.
The ostis wictaill worth scant and failȝeit fast.
Thus lay thai thair quhill diuers dayis war past.
The land waistyt and meit was fer to wyn,
Bot that wyst nocht the stuff that was within.
Thai drede full sar for thar awn warnysoun.
For souerance prayed the power off the toun;
To spek with Wallace thai desyryt fast
And he aperyt and speryt quhat thai ast.
The mayr ansuerd, said, “We wald gyff Ransoun
To pas ȝour way and der no mayr the toun.
Gret schaym it war that we suld ȝoldyn be
And townys haldyn off les power than we.
Ȝhe may nocht wyn ws, suthlie, thocht ȝe bid.
We sal gyff gold and ȝhe will fra ws rid.
We may gyff battaill, durst we for our king;
Sen he has left, it war ane our hie thing
Till ws to do with-out his ordinance.
This toun off him we hald in gouernance.”
Wallace ansuerd, “Off your gold rek we nocht.
It is for battaill that we hydder socht.
We had leuir haiff battaill of Ingland,
Than all the gold that gud king Arthour fand
On the Mont Mychell, quhar he the gyand slew!
Gold may be gayn bot worship is ay new.
Ȝour king promyst that we suld battaill haiff.
His wrytt tharto wndyr his seyll he gaiff.
Letter nor band ȝe se may nocht awaill.


Ws for this toun he hecht to gyff battaill.
Me think we suld on his men wengit be;
Apon our kyn mony gret wrang wrocht he,
His dewyllyk deid, he did in-to Scotland.”
The mayr said, “Schyr, rycht thus we wndyrstand;
We haiff no charge quhat our king gerris ws do,
Bot in this kynd we sall be bundyn ȝow to,
Sum-part off gold to gyff ȝou with gud will
And nocht efftyr to wait ȝow with na Ill,
Be no-kyn meyn, the power off this toun,
Bot gyff our king mak him to battaill boun.”
In-to the ost was mony worthi man,
With Wallace ma than I now rekyn can.
Bettir it was for at his will thai wrocht.
Thocht he wes best no nothir lak we nocht.
All seruit thank to Scotland euirmar
For manheid, wit, the quhilk thai schawit thar.
The haill consaill thus demyt thaim amang,
The toun to sege thaim thocht it was to lang
And nocht a-payn to wyn it be no slycht.
The consaill fand it was the best thai mycht
Sum gold to tak, gyff that thai get no mar,
Syne furth thar way in thar wiage thai far.
Than Wallace said, “My selff will nocht consent
Bot gyff this toun mak ws this playne content:
Tak our baner and set it on the wall,
For thar power our rewme has ridyn all;
Ȝoldyn to be quhen we lik thaim to tak,
In-till Ingland residence gyff we mak.”
This ansuer sone thai send in to the mair.
Than thai consent, the Ramaynand that was thar,


The baner wp and set it in the toun,
To Scotland was hie honour and renoun.
That baner thar was fra viii houris to none.
Thar finance maid, delyuerit gold full sone.
V thousand pund, all gud gold off Ingland,
The ost rasawit with wictaill haboundand.
Baith breid and wyne richt gladly furth thai gaiff
And othir stuff at thai likit to haiff.
Xxty dais owt the ost Remaynit thar,
Bot want of wictaill gert thaim fra it far;
Ȝeit still off pees the ost lugyt all nycht
Quhill on the morn the sone was ryssyn on hycht.
In Aperill amang the schawis scheyn,
Quhen the paithment was cled in tendyr greyn,
Plesand war it till ony creatur
In lusty lyff that tym for till endur.
Thir gud wermen had fredome largëly,
Bot fude was scant, thai mycht get nayn to by,
Tursyt tentis and in the contre raid.
On Inglismen full gret herschipe thai maid,
Brynt and brak doun, byggyngis sparyt thai nocht,
Rycht worthi wallis full law to ground thai brocht.
All Mydlam land thai brynt wp in a fyr,
Brak parkis doun, distroyit all the schyr.
Wyld der thai slew for othir bestis was nayn.
Thir wermen tuk off venysoune gud wayn.
Towart the south thai turnyt at the last,
Maid byggyngis bar als fer as euir thai past.
The commons all to London ar thai went
Befor the king and tald him thar entent,
And said thai suld, bot he gert Wallace ces,
Forsaik thair faith and tak thaim till his pes.
Na herrald thar durst than to Wallace pas,


Quharoff the king gretly agrewit was.
Thus Eduuard left his pepill in-to baill.
Contrar Wallace he wald nocht giff battaill
Nor byd in feild, for nocht at thai mycht say,
Gayff our the caus, to London past his way.
At men off wit this questioun her I as,
Amang noblis gyff euir ony that was,
So lang throw force in Ingland lay on cas
Sen Brudus deid, but battaill, bot Wallace.
Gret Iulius, the Empyr had in hand,
Twys off force he was put off Ingland.
Wycht Arthour als off wer quhen that he prewit
Twys thai fawcht, suppos thai war myschewit.
Awfull Eduuard durst nocht Wallace abid
In playn battaill, for all Ingland so wid.
In London he lay and tuk him till his rest
And brak his vow. Quhilk hald ye for the best?
Rycht clayr it is to runsik this questioun.
Deyme as ȝe lest, gud men off discrecioun.
To my sentence now breyffly will I pas.
Quhen Wallace thus throw Ȝorkschyr Iowrnat was,
Wictaill as than was nayne left in the land
Bot in houssis quhar it mycht be warrand.
The ost heroff abaissit was to bid.
Fra fude scantyt na plesance was that tid.
Sum baid ryd haym, sum baid ryd forthermar.
Wallace callit Iop and said till him rycht thar,
“Thow knawis the land, quhar most aboundance is.
Be thow our gyd and than we sall nocht mys
Wictaill to fynd, that wait I wondir weill.


Thow has, I traist, off Ingland mekill feill.
The kyng and his to stark strenthis ar gayn.
Bot ieperte now perell haiff we nayn.”
Than Iop said, “Schir, be ȝe gydyt be me,
The bowndandest part off Ingland ȝe sall se.
Off wyn and quheyt thar is in Rychmwnt schyr
And othir stuff off fud that ȝe desyr,
Quharoff I trow ȝhe sall be weyll content.”
The ost was glaid and thiddyrwart thai went.
Mony trew Scot was semblyt in that land.
To Wallace com weill ma than ix thowsand;
Off presone part, sum had in lawbour wrocht,
Fra athir part full fast till him thai socht.
Wallace was blyth off our awn natiff kyn
That come till him off baill that thai war in,
And all the ost off comforde was the blythar
Fra thar awn folk was multipliand the mar.
In Richmwnt schyr thai fand a gret boundans,
Breid, ayll and wyn, with othir purweans;
Brak parkis doun, slew bestis mony ane,
Off wild and tayme forsuth thai sparyt nane.
Throuch-owt the land thai past in gud aray.
A semly place so fand thai in thar way,
Quhilk Ramswaith hecht, as Iop him selff thaim tald.
Fehew was lord and Captayne in that hald.
V hundreth men was semblit in that place
To sawe thaim selff and thar gud fra Wallace.
A ryoll sted fast by a forest sid,
With turrettis fayr and garrettis off gret prid
Beildyt about, rycht lykly to be wicht,
Awfull it was till ony mannis sicht;


Feill men abown on the wallis buskyt beyn
In gud armour that burnyst was full scheyn.
The ost past by and bot wesyt that place,
Ȝeit thai within on lowd defyit Wallace
And trumpattis blew with mony werlik soun.
Than Wallace said, “Had we ȝon gallandis doun
On the playn ground thai wald mor sobyr be.”
Than Iop said, “Schir, ȝe gart his brodyr de
In harrold weid, ȝe wait, on Tynto hill.”
Wallace ansuerd, “So wald I with gud will
Had I him selff, bot we may nocht thaim der.
Gud men mon thoill off harlottis scorn in wer.”
Schir Ihon the Graym wald at a bykkyr beyn,
Bot Wallace sone that gret perell has seyn,
Commaundit him to lat his seruice be:
“We haiff no men to waist in sic degre.
Wald ye thaim harm I knaw ane othir gait,
How we throuch fyr within sall mak thaim hait.
Fyr has beyn ay full felloun in-to wer.
On sic a place it ma do mekill der.
Thar auld bulwerk I se off wydderyt ayk.
War it in fyr thai mycht nocht stand a straik.
Housis and wod is her enewch plente.
Quha hewis best off this forest lat se.
Pow housis doun, we sall nocht want adeill.
The auld temyr will ger the greyn byrn weill.”
At his commaund full besyly thai wrocht.
Gret wod in haist about the hous thai brocht.
The bulwerk wan thir men off armys brycht;
To the barmkyn laid temyr apon hycht.
Than bowmen schot to kep thaim fra the cast.
The wall about had festnyt firis fast.
Women and barnys on Wallace loud thai cry.


On kneis thai fell and askit him mercy.
At a quartar quhar fyr had nocht ourtayn
Thai tuk thaim out fra that castell off stayn,
Syn bet the fyr with brwndys brym and bauld.
The rude low rais full heych abown that hauld.
Barrellis off pyk, for fence was hungyn thar,
All strak in fyr; the myscheiff was the mar.
Quhen the brym fyr atour the place was past
Than thai with-in mycht nothir schwt no cast.
Als bestiall as hors and nowt within
Amang the fyr thai maid a hidwys dyn.
The armyt men in harnes was so hait
Sum doun to ground duschit but mar debait.
Sum lap, sum fell in-to the felloun fyr,
Smoryt to dede and brynt bathe bayn and lyr.
The fyr brak in at all opynnys about.
Nayn baid on loft, so felloun was the dout.
Fehew him self lap rudly fra the hycht,
Throuch all the fyr can on the barmkyn lycht.
With a gud suerd Wallace strak off his hed.
Iop hynt It wp and turst it fra that sted.
V hundreth men that war in-to that place,
Gat nayne away bot dede with-outyn grace.
Wallace bade still with his power that nycht.
Apon the morn the fyr had failȝeit mycht.
Beffor the ȝett quhar it was brynt on breid
A red thai maid and to the castell ȝeid;
Strak doun the ȝett and tuk that thai mycht wyn,
Iowellys and gold, gret Riches was tharin;
Spulȝeit the place and left nocht ellis thar
Bot bestis brynt, bodyis and wallis bar.
Than tuk thai hyr that wyff was to Fehew,
Gaiff this commaund, as scho was woman trew,


To turs that hed to London to king Eduuard.
Scho it rasawyt with gret sorow in hart.
Wallace him selff thir chargis till hyr gaiff:
“Say to ȝour king, bot gyff I battaill haiff,
At London ȝettis we sall assailȝe sayr.
In this moneth we think for to be thair.
Trastis in treuth, will God, we sall nocht faill,
Bot I rasyst throw chargis off our consaill.
The southmaist part off Ingland we sall se
Bot he sek pes or ellis bargan with me.
Apon a tym he chargyt me on this wys,
Rycht boustously, to mak till him seruice.
Sic sall he haiff as he ws caus has maid.”
Than mowit thai with-out langer abaid.
Deliuerit scho was fra this gud chewalry.
Towart London scho socht rycht ernystfully.
On to the tour but mar proces scho went,
Quhar Eduuard lay sayr murnand in his entent.
His newois hede quhen he saw it was brocht,
So gret sorow sadly apon him socht
With gret wnes apon his feit he stud,
Wepand for wo for his der tendyr blud.
The consaill rais and prayit him for to ces,
“We los Ingland bot gyff ȝe purches pes.”
Than Wodstok said, “This is my best consaill,
Tak pees in tyme as for our awn awaill.
Or we tyne mar ȝeit slaik off our curage.
Erest ȝe may get help to ȝour barnage.”
The king grantyt and bad thaim message send.
Na man was thar that durst to Wallace wend.
The queyn apperyt and saw this gret distance.
Weill born scho was, off the rycht blud off France.
Scho trowit weill tharfor to speid the erar;


Hyr selff purpost in that message to far.
Als scho forthocht at the king tuk on hand
Agayn the rycht so oft to reyff Scotland.
And feill men said the wengeance hapnyt thar,
Off gret murthyr his men maid in-till Ayr.
Thus demyt thai, the consaill thaim amang.
To this effect the qweyn bownyt to gang.
Quhen scho has seyn Ilk man for-sak this thing
On kneis scho fell and askyt at the king:
“Souerane,” scho said, “gyff it ȝour willis be,
At I desyr ȝon chyftayn for to se.
For he is knawin bath hardy, wys and trew,
Perchance he will erar on wemen Rew
Than on ȝour men; ȝhe haiff don him sic der,
Quhen he thaim seis it mowis him ay to wer.
To help this land I wald mak my trawaill.
It ma nocht scaith suppos it do na waill.”
The lordis all off hir desir was fayn.
On-to the king thai maid instans in playn
That scho mycht pas. The king with aukwart will,
Halff in-to yr, has giffyn consent thar-till.
Sum off thaim said the queyn luffyt Wallace
For the gret woice off his hie nobilnas.
A hardy man that is lykly with-all,
Gret fawour will off fortoun till him fall
Anent wemen, is seyne in mony place.
So hapnyt it in his tyme with Wallace.
In his rysing he was a luffar trew
And chesyt ane, quhill Inglismen hir slew.
Ȝeit I say nocht the queyn wald on hir tak
All for his luff sic trawaill for to mak.
Now luff or leiff, or for help off thar land,
I mak rahers as I in scriptour fand.


Scho graithit hir apon a gudlye wis
With gold and ger and folk at hir dewis,
Ladyis with hir, nane othir wald thai send,
And ald preystis that weill the cuntre kend.
Lat I the queyn to message redy dycht
And spek furth mar off Wallace trawaill rycht.
The worthy Scottis amang thar Enemys raid.
Full gret distruccioun amang Sotheron thai maid,
Waistit about the land on athir sid.
Na wermen than durst in thar way abid.
Thai ransoun nane bot to the dede thaim dycht,
In mony steid maid fyris braid and brycht.
The ost was blith and in a gud estate,
Na power was at wald mak thaim debate;
Gret ryches wan off gold and gud thaim till,
Leyffyng enewch to tak at thar awn will.
In awfull fer thai trawaill throuch the land,
Maid byggynis bar that thai befor thaim fand,
Gret barmkynnys brak off stedis stark and strang.
Thir wicht wermen off trawaill thocht nocht lang.
South in the land rycht ernystfully thai socht
To Sanct Tawbawnys, bot harm thar did thai nocht.
The priour send thaim wyne and wenesoun,
Refreschyt the ost with fud in gret fusioun.
The nycht apperyt quhen thai war at the place.
Thai herbreyt thaim fra thine a litill space,
Chesyt a sted quhar thai suld bid all nycht;
Tentis on ground and palȝonis proudly pycht
In-till a waill be a small Rywer fayr,
On athir sid quhar wyld der maid Repayr;
Set wachis owt that wysly couth thaim kepe,
To souppar went and tymysly thai slepe.


Off meit and sleip thai ces with suffisiance.
The nycht was myrk, our drayff the dyrkfull chance;
The mery day sprang fra the oryent,
With bemys brycht enlumynyt the occident.
Eftir Titan, Phebus, wp rysyt fayr,
Heich in the sper the signes maid declayr.
Zepherus began his morow cours.
The swete wapour thus fra the ground resours.
The humyll breyth doun fra the hewyn awaill
In euery meide, bathe fyrth, forrest and daill.
The cler rede amang the Rochis rang
Throuch greyn branchis, quhar byrdis blythly sang
With Ioyus woice in hewynly armony.
Than Wallace thocht it was no tyme to ly.
He croyssit him, syne sodeynli wp rais;
To tak the ayr out off his palȝon gais.
Maister Ihon Blar was redy to Rawes,
In gud entent syne bownyt to the mes.
Quhen it was done Wallace can him aray
In his armour, quhilk gudly was and gay.
His schenand schoys that burnyst was full beyn,
His leg harnes, he clappyt on so clene.
Pullane greis he braissit on full fast,
A clos byrny with mony sekyr cast,
Breyst plait, brasaris, that worthy was in wer.
Besid him furth Iop couth his basnet ber;
His glytterand glowis grawin on athir sid.
He semyt weill in battaill till abid.
His gud gyrdyll and syne his burly brand,
A staff off steyll he gryppyt in his hand.
The ost him blyst and prayit god off his grace


Him to conwoy fra all mystymyt cace.
Adam Wallace and Boid furth with him ȝeid
By a reuir throw-out a floryst meid.
And as thai walk atour the feyldis greyn
Out off the south thai saw quhar at the queyn
Towart the ost come ridand sobyrly,
And fyfty ladyis, was in hyr cumpany,
Waillyt off wit and demyt off renoun;
Sum wedowis war and sum off Religioun;
And vii preistis that entrit war in age.
Wallace to sic did neuir gret owtrage
Bot gyff till him thai maid a gret offens.
Thus prochyt thai on towart thar presens.
At the palȝoun quhar thai the lyoun saw
To ground thai lycht and syne on kneis can faw;
Prayand for pece thai cry with petous cher.
Erll Malcom said, “Our chyftayn is nocht her.”
He bad hyr rys and said it was nocht rycht,
A queyn on kneis till ony lavar wycht.
Wp by the hand the gud Erll has hyr tayn.
Atour the bent to Wallace ar thai gayn.
Quhen scho him saw scho wald haiff knelyt doun.
In armys sone he caucht this queyn with croun
And kyssyt hyr with-outyn wordis mor.
Sa dyd he neuir to na Sotheron befor.
“Madem,” he said, “rycht welcum mot ȝe be.
How plesis ȝow our ostyng for to se?”
“Rycht weyll,” scho said, “off frendschip haiff we neid.
God grant ȝe wald off our nesis to speid.
Suffyr we mon suppos it lik ws ill,
Bot trastis weyll it is contrar our will.”
“Ȝe sall remayn. With this lord I mon gang.
Fra ȝour presens we sall nocht tary lang.”


The Erll and he on to the palȝon ȝeid
With gud awys to deym mar off this deid.
Till consell son Wallace gart call thaim to.
“Lordys,” he said, “ȝe wait quhat is a-do.
Off thar cummyng my selff has na plesance
And herfor mon we wyrk with ordinance.
Wemen may be contempnyng in-to wer
Amang fullis that can thaim nocht forber.
I say nocht this be thir nor ȝeit the queyn.
I trow it be bot gud that scho will meyn,
Bot sampyll tak off lang tym passit by.
At Rownsywaill the tresoun was playnly
Be wemen maid, that Ganȝelon with him brocht,
And Turke wyn; forber thaim couth thai nocht.
Lang ws in wer gert thaim desyr thar will,
Quhilk brocht Charlis to fellon los and Ill;
The flour off France withoutyn redempcioun
Throuch that foull deid was brocht to confusioun.
Commaund ȝour men tharfor in preway wys,
A-payn off lyff thai wyrk nocht on sic wys;
Nane spek with thaim bot wysmen off gret waill,
At Lordis ar and sworn to this consaill.”
Thir chargis thai did als wysly as thai mocht.
This ordynance throw all the ost was wrocht.
He and the Erll bathe to the queyn thai went,
Rasawyt hyr fayr and brocht hyr till a tent,
To dyner bownyt als gudly as thai can
And serwit was with mony likly man.
Gud purwyance the queyn had with hyr wrocht.
A say scho tuk off all thyng at thai brocht.
Wallace persawyt and said, “We haiff no dreid.
I can nocht trow ladyis wald do sic deid,
To poysoun men, for all Ingland to wyn.”


The queyn ansuerd, “Gyff poysoun be tharin,
Off ony thyng quhilk is brocht her with me,
Apon my selff fyrst sorow sall ȝe se.”
Sone eftir meit a marchell gart absent
Bot lordis and thai at suld to consaill went.
Ladyis apperyt in presens with the queyn.
Wallace askyt quhat hyr cummyng mycht meyn.
“For pes,” scho said, “at we haiff to ȝow socht.
This byrnand wer in baill has mony brocht.
Ȝe grant ws pees for him that deit on tre.”
Wallace ansuerd, “Madeym, that may nocht be.
Ingland has doyne sa gret harmys till ws
We may nocht pas and lychtly leiff it thus.”
“Ȝeis,” said the queyne, “for crystyn folk we ar,
For goddis saik, sen we desyr no mar,
We awcht haiff pes.” “Madeym, that I deny.
The perfyt caus I sall ȝow schaw, for quhy
Ȝe seke na pes bot for ȝour awn awaill.
Quhen ȝour fals king had Scotland gryppyt haill,
For nakyn thing that he befor him fand
He wald nocht thoill the rycht blud in our land,
Bot reft thar rent, syne put thaim selff to ded.
Ransoun off gold mycht mak ws na remed.
His fell fals wer sall on him selff be seyn.”
Than sobyrly till him ansuerd the queyn,
“Off thir wrangis amendis war most fair.”
“Madeym,” he said, “off him we ask no mar
Bot at he wald byd ws in-to battaill,
And god be Iuge, he kennys the maist haill.”
“Sic mendis,” scho said, “war nocht rycht gud, think me.
Pes now war best and it mycht purchest be.
Wald ȝhe grant pes and trwys with ws tak,
Throuch all Ingland we suld gar prayeris mak


For ȝow and thaim at in the wer war lost.”
Than Wallace said, “Quhar sic thing cummys throuch bost,
Prayer off fors, quhar-so at it be wrocht,
Till ws helpis litill or ellis nocht.”
Warly scho said, “Thus wysmen has ws kend,
Ay efftir wer pees is the finall end;
Quharfor ȝe suld off ȝour gret malice ces.
The end off wer is cheryte and pes.
Pees is in hewyn with blys and lestandnas.
We sall beseke the pape off his hie grace
Till commaund pes sen we may do na mar.”
“Madeym,” he said, “or ȝour purches cum thar
Mendys we think off Ingland for to haiff.”
“Quhat set ȝow thus,” scho said, “so god ȝow saiff,
Fra violent wer at ȝe lik nocht to duell?”
“Madem,” he said, “the suth I sall ȝow tell.
Eftir the dayt off Alexanderis ryng
Our land stud thre ȝer desolate, but king,
Kepyt full weyll at concord in gud stait.
Throuch ii clempt thar hapnyt gret debait,
So ernystfully, accord thaim nocht thai can.
Ȝour king thai ast for to be thar ourman.
Slely he slayd throuch strenthis off Scotland.
The kynryk syne he tuk in his awn hand.
He maid a kyng agayn our rychtwys law,
For he off him suld hald the Regioun aw.
Contrar this band was all the haill barnage,
For Scotland was ȝeit neuir in-to thrillage.
Gret Iulius that tribut gat off aw,
His wynnyng was in Scotland bot full smaw.
Than your fals king, wndyr colour but mar,
Throuch band he maid till Bruce that is our ayr,
Throuch all Scotland with gret power thai raid,


Wndid that king quhilk he befor had maid.
To Bruce sen syne he kepit na connand.
He said he wald nocht ga and conques land
Till othir men, and thus the cas befell.
Than Scotland throuch he demayned him sell,
Slew our elderis, gret pete was to se.
In presone syne lang tyme thai pynit me
Quhill I fra thaim was castyn out for ded.
Thankit be god, he send me sum Remed.
Wengyt to be I prewyt all my mycht.
Feyll off thar kyn to dede syn I haiff dycht.
The Rage off ȝouth gert me desyr a wyff.
That rewit I sayr and will do all my liff.
A tratour knycht but mercy gert hyr de,
Ane Hessilryg, bot for despit off me.
Than Rang I furth in cruell wer and payn
Quhill we redemyt part off our land agayn.
Than ȝour curst king desyryt off ws a trew,
Quhilk maid Scotland full rathly for to rew.
In-to that pes thai set a suttell ayr.
Than xviii scor to dede thai hangyt thair
At noblis war and worthi off Renoun,
Off cot armys eldest in that regioun.
Thar dede we think to weng in all our mycht.
The woman als that dulfully was dycht,
Out off my mynd that dede will neuir bid
Quhill god me tak fra this fals warld so wid!
Off Sotheroun syn I can no pete haiff.
Ȝour men in wer I think neuir mor to saiff.”
The breith teris, was gret payn to be-hald,
Bryst fra his Eyn be he his taill had tald.
The queyn wepyt for pete off Wallace.
“Allace,” scho said, “wa worth the curssyt cace!


In waryit tym that Hesilryg was born.
Mony worthi throuch his deid ar forlorn.
He suld haiff payn that saikles sic ane slewch.
Ingland sen syn has bocht it der enewch,
Thocht scho had beyn a queyn or a prynsace.”
“Madem,” he said, “as god giff me gud grace,
In-till hir tym scho was als der to me,
Prynsace or queyn, in quhat stait so thai be.”
“Wallace,” scho said, “off this talk we will ces.
The mendis heroff is gud prayer and pes.”
“I grant,” he said. “Off me as now na mayr.
This is rycht nocht bot ekyng off our cayr.”
The queyn fand weyll langage no thing hyr bet.
Scho trowit with gold that he mycht be ourset.
Thre thousand pound off fynest gold so red
Scho gert be brocht to Wallace in that sted.
“Madeym,” he said, “na sic tribut we craiff.
Anothir mendis we wald off Ingland haiff,
Or we raturn fra this regioun agayn,
Off ȝour fals blud that has our elderis slayn.
For all the gold and ryches ȝe in ryng
Ȝe get no pes bot desir off ȝour king.”
Quhen scho saw weill gold mycht hyr nocht releiff,
Sum-part in sport scho thocht him for to preiff.
“Wallace,” scho said, “yhe war clepyt my luff;
Mor baundounly I maid me for to pruff,
Traistand tharfor ȝour Rancour for to slak.
Me think ȝe suld do sum thing for my saik.”
Rycht wysly he maid ansuer to the queyn.
“Madem,” he said, “and verite war seyn
That ȝe me luffyt, I awcht ȝow luff agayn.
Thir wordis all ar no thing bot in wayn.
Sic luff as that is no-thing till awance,
To tak a lak and syne get no plesance.


In spech off luff suttell ȝe Sotheroun ar.
Ȝe can ws mok, suppos ȝe se no mar.”
“In London,” scho said, “for ȝow I sufferyt blaym.
Our consall als will lauch quhen we cum haym.
So may thai say, ‘wemen ar fers off thocht,
To seke frendschip and syne can get rycht nocht’.”
“Madam,” he said, “we wait how ȝe ar send.
Ȝhe trow we haiff bot litill for to spend.
Fyrst with ȝour gold, for ȝe ar rych and wys,
Ȝhe wald ws blynd, sen Scottis ar so nys;
Syn plesand wordis off ȝou and ladyis fair,
As quha suld dryff the byrdis till a swar
With the small pype, for it most fresche will call.
Madem, as ȝit ȝe ma nocht tempt ws all.
Gret part off gud is left amang our kyn.
In Ingland als we fynd enewch to wyn.”
Abayssyt scho was to mak ansuer him till,
“Der schyr,” scho said, “sen this is at ȝour will,
Wer or pes, quhat so ȝow likis best,
Lat ȝour hye witt and gud consaill degest.”
“Madem,” he said, “now sall ȝe wndirstand
The Resone quhy that I will mak na band.
With ȝow ladyis I can na trewis bynd,
For ȝour fals king her-eftir sone wald fynd,
Quhen he saw tyme, to brek it at his will
And playnly say he grantyt nocht thartill.
Than had we nayn bot ladyis to repruff.
That sall he nocht, be god that is abuff!
Vpon wemen I will no wer begyn.
On ȝou, in faith, no worschip is to wyn.
All the haill pas apon him selff he sall tak
Off pees or wer, quhat hapnyt we to mak.”
The qweyn grantyt his ansuer sufficient;


So dyd the layff in place that was present.
His delyuerance thai held off gret awaill
And stark enewch to schaw to thar consaill.
Wa was the qweyn hyr trawaill helpyt nocht.
The gold scho tuk that thai had with hyr brocht;
In-to the ost rycht frely scho it gayff
Till euirylk man that likyt for till haiff.
Till menstrallis, harraldis, scho delt haboundanle,
Besekand thaim hyr frend at that wald be.
Quhen Wallace saw the fredom off the queyn,
Sadly he said, “The suth weyll has beyn seyn,
Wemen may tempt the wysest at is wrocht.
Ȝour gret gentrice it sall neuir be for nocht.
We ȝow assuuer, our ost sall mwff na-thing
Quhyll tym ȝe may send message fra ȝour king.
Gyff it be sa at he accord and we,
Than for ȝour saik it sall the bettir be.
Ȝour harroldys als sal saiffly cum and ga.
For ȝour fredom we sall trowbill na ma.”
Scho thankit him off his grant mony sys
And all the ladyis apon a gudly wys.
Glaidly thai drank, the queyn and gud Wallace,
Thir ladyis als and lordis in that place.
Hyr leyff scho tuk with-out langar abaid,
V myile that nycht south till a nonry raid.
Apon the morn till London passit thai.
In Westmenster quhar at the consaill lay
Wallace ansuer scho gart schaw to the king.
It nedis nocht her rahers mar off this thing.
The gret commend that scho to Wallace gaiff
Befor the king, in presens off the laiff,
Till trew Scottis it suld gretly apples,
Thocht Inglismen tharoff had litill es.
Off worschip, wyt, manheid and gouernans,


Off fredom, trewth, key off Remembrans,
Scho callyt him thar in-to thar hye presens,
Thocht contrar thaim he stud at his defens.
“So chyftaynlik,” scho said, “as he is seyn
In-till Inglande I trow has neuir beyn.
Wald ȝe off gold gyff him this Rewmys rent
Fra honour he will nocht turn his entent.
Sufferyt we ar quhill ȝe may message mak.
Off wys lordis sumpart I reid ȝow tak
To purches pees with-outyn wordis mar,
For all Ingland may rew his raid full sayr.
Ȝour harroldys als to pas to him has leyff.
In all his ost thar sall no man thaim greiff.”
Than thankit thai the queyn for hir trawaill,
The king and lordis that was off his consaill.
Off hyr ansuer the king applessit was.
Than thre gret lordys thai ordand for to pas.
Thar consaill haill has fownd it was the best
Trewis to tak, or ellis thai get no rest.
A harrold went in all the haist he may
Till Tawbane waill quhar at the Scottis lay,
Condeyt till haiff quhill thai haiff said thar will.
The consaill sone a condeyt gaiff him till.
Agayn he past with souerance till his king.
Than chesyt thai thre lordis for this thing,
The keyn Clyffurd, was than thar warden haill,
Bewmont, Wodstok, all men off mekill waill.
Quhat thir thre wrocht the layff suld stand thar-till.
The kingis seyll was gyffyn thaim at thar will.
Sone thai war brocht to spekyng to Wallace.
Wodstok him schawit mony suttell cace.
Wallace, he herd the sophammis euire-deill.
“As ȝeit,” he said, “me think ȝe meyn bot weill.


In wrang ȝe hald, and dois ws gret owtrage,
Off housis part that is our heretage.
Owt off this pees in playn I mak thaim knawin,
Thaim for to wyn, sen that thai ar our awin,
Roxburch, Berweik, at ouris lang tym has beyn,
In-to the handis off ȝou fals Sotherone keyn.
We ask her als, be wertu off this band,
Our ayris, our king, be wrang led off Scotland.
We sall thaim haiff with-outyn wordis mar.”
Till his desyr the lordis grantis thair.
Rycht at his will thai haiff consentit haill,
For nakyn thing the pees thai wald nocht faill.
The ȝong Randell at than in London was,
The lord off Lorn, in this band he can as,
The Erll off Bowchane, bot than in tendyr age—
Eftir he grew a man off hycht, wys and large.
Cumyn and Soullis he gart deliuer als,
Quhilk eftir was till king Robert full fals.
Wallang fled our and durst nocht bid that mute;
In Pykardte till as him was na bute,
Bot Wallace wald erar haff had that fals knycht
Than x thousand off fynest gold so brycht.
The Bruce he askyt, bot he was had away
Befor that tym till Calys mony day.
King Eduuard prewyt that thai mycht nocht him get;
Off Glosestir his wncle had him fet,
At Calys than had haly in kepyng.
Wallace that tym gat nocht his rychtwys king.
The Erll Patrik fra London alsua send
Wyth Wallace to mak, as weill befor was kend,
Off his mater a fynaill gouernance;
Till king Eduuard he gaiff wp his legeance
And tuk till hald off Scotland euirmar.


With full glaid hart Wallace resauit him thar.
Thai honowryt him rycht reuerendly as lord.
The Scottis was all reiosyt off that conford.
A hundreth hors with ȝong lordis off Renoune
Till Wallace com, fred out off that presoune.
Wndyr his seill king Eduuard than gert send
For till gyff our and mak a fynaill end
Roxburch, Berweik, quhilk is off mekill waill
To Scottis men and all the boundis haill.
To fyve ȝer trew thai promyst be thar hand.
Than Wallace said, “We will pas ner Scotland
Or ocht be seld and tharfor mak ws boun.
Agayn we will besid Northallyrtoun,
Quhar king Eduuard fyrst battaill hecht to me.
As it began thar sall it endyt be.
Gret weyll ȝour queyn,” he chargyt the message.
“It is for hyr at we leyff our wiage.”
A day he set quhen thai suld meit him thar
And seill this pees with-outyn wordis mar.
Apon the morn the ost but mar awys
Tranountyt north apon a gudly wys.
To the set tryst that Wallace had thaim maid
The Inglis message com but mar abaid.
Thai seyllyt the pes with-out langar delay.
The message than apon the secund day
Till London went in all the haist thai can.
The worthi Scottis with mony gudly man
Till Bambwrch com with all the power haill,
Sexte thousand, all Scottis off gret waill.
X dayis befor All Halow Ewyn thai fur.
On Lammes day thai lycht on Caram mur.
Thar lugyt thai with plesance as thai mocht,
Quhill on the morn at preistis to thaim socht


In Caram kyrk, and sessyt in his hand
Roxburch keyis as thai had maid connand,
And Berweik als quhilk Sotheroun had so lang.
Thai frede the folk in Ingland for to gang,
For thar lyffis wschet off athir place.
Thai durst nocht weill bid rekynnyng off Wallace.
Capdane he maid in Berweik off Renoun
That worthy was, gud Crystell of Cetoun.
Kepar he left till Roxburch castell wicht
Schir Ihon Ramsay, a wys and worthi knycht.
Syn Wallace selff with Erll Patrik in playn
To Dunbar raid, and restoryt him agayn
In his castell and all that heretage,
With the consent off all the haill barnage.
Quhen Wallace was agreit and this lord,
To rewll the Rewm he maid him gudly ford.
Scotlande atour fra Ros till Soloway sand
He raid it thrys and statut all the land.
In the Leynhous a quhyll he maid repayr.
Schyr Ihon Menteth that tym was captane thar;
Twys befor he had his gossep beyn,
Bot na frendschip betwix thaim syn was seyn!
Twa monethis still he duelt in Dunbertane;
A hous he foundyt apon the Roch off stayne.
Men left he thar till byg it to the hycht,
Syn to the March agayn he rydis rycht.
In-to Roxburch thai chesyt him a place;
A gud tour thar he gert byg in schort space.
The kynrik stud in gud worschip and es.
Was nayn so gret durst his nychtbour disples.
The abill ground gert laubour thryftely.
Wictaill and froyte thar grew aboundandly.
Was neuir befor syn this was callyt Scotland


Sic welth and pes at-anys in the land.
He send Iop twys to Bruce in Huntyntoun,
Besekand him to cum and tak his croun.
Conseill he tuk at fals Saxionis allace.
He had neuir hap in lyff to get Wallace.
Thre ȝer as thus the Rewm stud in gud pes.
Off this saying me wordis for to ces,
And forthyr furth off Wallace I will tell
In-till his lyff quhat awentur ȝeit fell.