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The compovnd of alchymy

Or The ancient hidden Art of Archemie: Conteining the right & perfectest meanes to make the Philosophers Stone, Aurum potabile, with other excellent Experiments. Diuided into twelue Gates. First written by ... George Ripley ... & Dedicated to K. Edward the 4. Whereunto is adioyned his Epistle to the King, his Vision, his Wheele & other his Workes, neuer before published: with certaine briefe Additions of other notable Writers concerning the same. Set foorth by Raph Rabbards Gentleman, studious and expert in Archemicall Artes

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Titulus operis.
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Titulus operis.

The attribution of this poem is questionable.

Here beginneth the compound of Alchymie,
Made by a Chanon of Bridlington,
After his learning in Italie,
At Ixninge for time he there did wonne:
In which he declared openly
The secret both of Moone and Sonne,
How they their kinde to multiplie
In one bodie together must woonne.
VVhich Chanon Sir George Ripley hight,
Exempt from Claustrall obseruance,
For whom ye pray both day and night,
Sith he did labour you to aduaunce,
He turned darkness into light,
Intending to helpe you to happie chaunce,
Giuing counsaile that you liue right,
Doing vnto God no displeasaunce.