University of Virginia Library



Star! star! lovely star!”
Little Mary cried in glee,
“Come from your blue house afar!
Come and play with me!”
“Child! child! darling child!”
Warbled soft the star above,
And, in Mary's eyes, it smiled,
With a look of love,—
“Child! child of hope and glee!”
Silver-soft the star replied,
“Come to Heaven and play with me!
On the rainbow ride!


I to you may never bend;
But your being's law, from Heaven
Is to still in light ascend,
Till it be forgiven.
Little flower of Joy and Love!”
Silver-soft the starlight sighed,
“Mary! come and bloom above!
Here no tempests chide.
In a beaming, golden boat,
Plying still my pearly oar,
Through the great, calm Heaven I float,
Singing angel-lore.
Are your spirit's pinions furled?
Wake and bid them flutter free!
Wander home from that cold world,
Come and play with me!”