University of Virginia Library


MONEY-WORT.—Lysimachia Nummularia.

Transient Friendship.

We shall meet no more on the green hill-side,
We shall gaze no more on the wild cascade,
No more shall our feet range far and wide,
The rugged cliff and the sunny glade.
We shall roam not again by the mountain stream
As it dashes down on its rocky way,


Through the darksome glen, where the noontide beam
Scarce touches its wave with a fleeting ray.
We shall meet no more on the mountain height,
Where the mouldering fort in its ruin stands,
While our hearts are thrilling with proud delight
As we think on the deeds of our patriot bands.
We shall wander no more amid nature's wealth,
The gold-broidered field and the silver rill,
We shall meet not again as we woo sweet health
By the shady dell or the breezy hill.
Like the passing shade on the mountain's brow
Which fleets with the cloud that gave it birth,
Are the joys that our hearts are cherishing now,
The fleeting friendships of changeful earth.