University of Virginia Library



“The trees of the Lord are full of sap.”

Great Pines of God! and are not ye
As full of sap as any tree,
By Psalmist praised of old, that stood
On Lebanon for holy wood,—
Fir, box, or cedar, lifting there
Their stately heads in upper air,
And waiting each to bow his crown
At God's command, and hasten down
His holy temple-courts to grace,
And make his feet a beauteous place?
Where shall a holier place be found
Than this, O God! thy wide earth round?


Thy step, unseen, this turf hath pressed;
All Nature breathes thy spirit's rest,—
The rest of action, calm and free,
The rest of blissful harmony.
The thoughtful, grateful, pious mind
Thy temple here, O Lord! may find,
And list thy praises in the breeze,
Hymned by the priesthood of the trees.
Mobile, Feb. 10, 1852.