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Council Action

Some Student Council
action may be taken
concerning the lack of reading
days in next year's calendar.
According to Greg Luce, the
co-chairman of the Academics
and Athletic Affairs
Committee, "There are not
enough days for a reading
period unless we start in
August, but the committee will
probably propose a guaranteed
week of class review without
tests or new material."

"The faculty is unable to
give us the best of both worlds.
We can't finish the semester
before Christmas and still have
a reading period as we know
it," added Mr. Luce.

Commenting upon the
upcoming absence of a reading
period, Dean Cauthen said, "It
should not affect the students'
exam grades. If they
understand the new procedure,
they should be able to make

Although each department
was urged by the Curriculum
Committee to decide and
announce its departmental
policy concerning this year's
reading period as early as
possible, some departments are
leaving the policy decision to
individual professors.

Architecture Dean J.
Norwood Bosserman is
allowing each professor to
decide whether to have classes
during the period as long as no
new material is introduced.