University of Virginia Library

Electoral Totals

A total of 270 electoral
votes were necessary to win the
election. Mr. Nixon took 49
states, giving him 521 electoral
votes. Mr. McGovern carried
Massachusetts and Washington,
D.C., raising his total electoral
votes to 17. The senator took
only one Virginia locality, that
of Charles City County. In
Charlottesville, each major
party candidate took four

Virginia election returns
resulted in the surprise
Senatorial upset of incumbent
Sen. William B. Spong Jr. (D)
to Republican Rep. William B.
Scott. One Republican party
official remarked that the most
that had been hoped for was
"to lose gracefully."

With 98 per cent of the
state's precinct tallied, Mr.
Scott netted 711,687 popular
votes while his opponents Mr.
Spong and Horace (Hunk)
Henderson (Ind.) obtained
628,195 and 33,710 votes

Although Mr. Spong took
10 precincts of Albemarle
County to Mr. Scott's five, the
incumbent senator received
only 6,113 votes to Mr. Scott's
6,136. In Charlottesville, Sen.
Spong took five of the eight
precincts, for a total of 7281
to 5309 popular votes.