University of Virginia Library

Viable Alternatives

Mr. Kerr proposed that the matter of racism
at the University be taken to Mr. Shannon. In
discussion of this motion, Steve Edwards,
College representative, stated that Mr. Shannon
should be presented "with some alternatives
that he is able to do something about." At this
point, the majority of the black students,
including Mr. Ivey and Mr. Cain, left the
meeting room.

The motion was approved and Mr. Shannon
was later contacted to arrange a meeting with
him yesterday afternoon. Council members and
other interested persons arranged to post
notices of the rally in the dorms.

In other business, the Council voted
unanimously to have a new edition of the
"Ounce of Prevention" booklet printed,
excluding the abortion referral telephone
numbers. The vote also provided that a supply
of the old booklets be kept to be distributed
upon request. The abortion referral numbers in
these copies will be struck out.


Willie Ivey Reads List of Demands to President Shannon

Black Student Association Organized Rally to Focus Attention on Racism