University of Virginia Library

Code Rejected

The Committee on Student Rights and
Responsibilities was formed, at the urging of the
Board of Visitors, after the Code of Conduct
was rejected by students in a University-wide

The Board of Visitors drafted and voted
through the Code of Conduct in reaction to
student strikes at the University in May, 1970.

In September 1970 Student Council issued
set of specific point-by-point objections to the
Board of Visitors' Code of Conduct. The
general sentiment of the Council was expressed
by Council member Judy Wellman, "the
administration should look at the causes of May
1970s disorders, and not just make more laws."

The issues involved in the Code of Conduct
controversy touched on deeply felt political
philosophies of those involved. A September
25,1970, Cavalier Daily editorial stated, "our
concern is whether or not students will be
allowed to govern themselves."