University of Virginia Library

Film Union Meeting

The Virginia Film Production Union is
reorganizing for the year. A meeting tonight
will be a synthesis of last year's
accomplishments with "a heavy emphasis" on

The Union's birth last year about
through the efforts of a few local film buffs
who sought to see an outlet through actual
production of films here at the University. The
result of this interest was rewarded by the
production of numerous Super 8mm films and
a couple of more complex 16mm productions.

This year the Film Union is fortunate in
having some basic equipment and a large
quantity of film to work with, one of last year's
more obvious handicaps. With these tools and
an increasing interest by students in film, the
productions this year should be much more
numerous, innovative, and cinematic.

The Union will be composed of all
interested in filmmaking whether experienced or
not. The entire Charlottesville community is
welcome to this meeting to be held tonight in
Room 216 of Wilson Hall at 8:00 p.m.
Questions pertaining to the Union can be
directed to Greg Powers at 293-5988.