University of Virginia Library

Graduated Penalties

Twenty-five percent indicated that
permanent dismissal from the University should
result after the first conviction; thirteen
percent, permanent dismissal from the
University after the second conviction and a
lesser degree of penalty after the first offense;
fifty-one percent, permanent dismissal for those
students found guilty of premeditated acts or
grossly misusing the system - other violators
would receive a graduation of penalties; two
percent, no opinion; and seven percent, other

The analysis also revealed that "while there
were five questions in the survey dealing with
the issue of penalty for violation of the Honor
System, these overall results indicate (1) that
penalty is the major issue or topic of concern
among a significant proportion of students; but
(2) there is also no clear-cut solution or
consensus for solution in the area of penalty.

In conclusion, the preliminary report said
that "it is hoped that this analysis will shed
light on any relationship between knowledge of
and attitudes toward, the Honor System and
such factors as year in the University, course of
study, graduate/undergraduate students,
familiarity with the rules, and others."