University of Virginia Library

Resistance Demanded

Steve Squire of the Charlottesville Draft
Resistance said: "With anti-draft bills before
the House and Senate, now is the time for
people to rally to finally show the government
that, when it oversteps its bounds, people will

"This," Mr. Squire continued, is the first
step in halting American imperialism. The
government now tells people of this country
what is good for them. We want people to say
no. The government should serve the people."

"We can't allow the same monkeys who
form policies now to continue to do so without
the consent of the public," Mr. Squire added.

"We are not calling for a compromise but
for complete abolition of conscription of any
form," stated Mr. Mannix. "We are not arguing
against military service but against having the
government dictate individuals' actions."