University of Virginia Library

Three Task Forces

Saturday the panel participants will be
joined by Law School faculty and students,
visiting foreign students, and members of Zero
Population Growth as three task forces form
specific proposals for changes in United States
foreign policy, allocation of efforts among
various agencies and the legal status of family

The symposium will conclude Saturday
night as Mr. Tydings speaks on "The Political
Strategy for Population in the 1970's" at 8:30
p.m. in the Chemistry Building Auditorium. Mr.
Tydings while in the Senate was a member of
President Richard Nixon's Commission on
Population Growth and the American Future,
and advocated creation of a population and
family planning agency in the Department of
Health, Education and Welfare. He is the author
of Born To Starve (New York, 1970).

All meetings, including the speech by Mr.
Tydings, are open to the public. Students and
faculty of the Law School are encouraged to
attend. Geoffery H. Keppel, co-chairman of the
symposium, emphasized the urgency and
international scope of the problem and the
potential for significant contributions by
members of the legal profession especially those
with a background in international law.

The number and diversity of viewpoints
represented by participants is expected to
produce lively and significant discussion of the
problems involved, said co-chairman Patricia L.